Organ and keyboard
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2024 releases
Fedak: Even More Harmonizations (Alfred V. Fedak, 160-744, Easy/Mod. easy)
Diptych on Veni Creator Spiritus (Texu Kim, 160-424, Diff.)
Pahdo (Texu Kim, 160-823, Diff.)
Prelude & Fugue on McKee (Robert McCormick, 160-688, Mod. diff.)
Chorale & Variations on "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" (Chaz Bowers, 160-121, Mod. easy)
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2023 releases
Prière (Craig Phillips, 160-638, Mod. easy)
Musette (Craig Phillips, 160-832, Mod. diff.)
Improvisations on Two Early American Hymns: FOUNDATION and MORNING SONG (Robert McCormick, 160-687, Mod. diff.)
Two Preludes: An ALBANY Processional & Fantasia and Chorale on TYSK (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-636, Mod. easy)
Marty Wheeler Burnett: Intonations, Interludes, & Harmonizations (Marty Wheeler Burnett, hymn accompaniment, 160-743, Mod. easy)
Midnight Toccatas (Aaron Travers, organ solo, 160-855, Difficult)
2022 releases
Carol with Riffs (Alfred V. Fedak, harpsichord/piano, 160-122, Mod. easy)
Impromptu (Craig Phillips
, 160-831, Mod. diff.)
Patrick A. Scott: Harmonizations and Descants (160-742, Mod.easy-Mod. diff.)
Let There Be Praise (David Ashley White/Alfred V. Fedak, 160-686, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
Partita on Beach Spring (William Bradley Roberts, 160-657, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
Trio for Flute, Clarinet, & Organ (Craig Phillips, 160-937, Mod. diff.)
Psalm 88 for oboe and organ (David Ashley White, 160-961, Difficult)
2021 releases
Legend for Bassoon and Organ (Craig Phillips, 160-934, Mod. diff.)
It Is Well (Organ and Cello) (Craig Phillips, 160-938, Mod. diff.)
Triptych for Organ (Alfred V. Fedak, 160-846, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
Fantasia on WONDROUS LOVE (David Hurd, 160-370, Mod. diff.)
2020 releases
Pie Jesu, organ solo (Alfred V. Fedak, 160-639, Mod. easy)
Three American Folk Hymn Settings for Organ and Viola (John Weaver, 160-958, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
2019 releases
Five for Flute + Organ (Carson Cooman, Alfred V. Fedak, Thomas Pavlechko, Craig Phillips, David Ashley White, 160-936, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
Sine Nomine (John Weaver, 160-664, Mod. diff.)
Ubi Caritas (Carson Cooman, 160-634, Mod. easy)
Petit Fugue (Craig Phillips, 160-854, Mod. diff.)
Robert McCormick: More Harmonizations (Robert McCormick, 160-741, Mod. easy)
2018 releases
Exultate: A Liturgical Suite (Craig Phillips, 160-683, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
Trumpet Tune (Alfred V. Fedak, 160-632, Mod. easy)
Prelude on a Gaelic Hymn (Alfred V. Fedak, 160-620, Mod. easy)
Sarabande (David Ashley White, 160-681, Mod. easy)
Sonata 1 (Benjamin Cornelius-Bates, 160-834, Mod. diff.)
Sarabande/Ode and Salutation (Phillips, 160-876, Mod. easy/Mod. diff.)
Triptych on FREDERICKTOWN (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-613, Mod. easy)
Stuart Forster: Harmonizations and Descants (Stuart Forster, 160-739, 160-740, Mod. easy)
2017 releases
In Memoriam (Alfred V. Fedak, 160-665, Mod. easy)
Robert McCormick: Harmonizations (Robert McCormick, 160-738, Mod. easy)
Arioso (Craig Phillips, organ solo, 160-637, Mod. easy)
Paean (Craig Phillips, organ solo, 160-631, Mod. diff.)
2016 releases
Bayoubúchlein - New Chorale Preludes from AGO Houston 2016 - Commissions and selected preludes on hymn tunes since 1960 (160-616, Mod. easy to Diff.)
Let All That Hath Breath-Association of Anglican Musicians 50th Anniversary organ album (multiple composers, organ voluntaries, 160-600, Mod. easy to Diff.)
Partita on Nun Danket alle Gott (Craig Phillips, organ solo, 160-602, Mod. diff.)
Prelude on the Carillon d'Alet (Craig Phillips, organ solo, 160-853, Mod. diff.)
2015 releases
Six Psalm Preludes (Robert J. Powell, organ solo, 160-685, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
Prelude & Toccata on Kingsfold (Mary Beth Bennett, organ solo, 160-824, Mod. diff.)
Rhapsody for Organ (Craig Phillips, organ solo, 160-830, Difficult)
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee -- Festival accompament to HYMN TO JOY (Alfred V. Fedak, organ and choir, 160-679, Mod. easy)
Biblical Sketches for Organ and Trumpet (David Schelat, organ and trumpet, 160-924, Mod. diff.)
Three Pastoral Scenes (Craig Phllips, organ, violin, and bassoon, 160-935, Mod. diff.)
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2013-2014 releases
Improvisation on Nicaea-"Holy, Holy, Holy" (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-520, Mod. easy)
Scherzo Ostinao (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-865, Mod. diff.)
Fugue on the Carillon d'Alet (Craig Phillips, organ solo, 160-852, Mod. diff.)
Come, Pure Hearts: Introduction, Theme & Variations (David Ashley White, organ solo, 160-838, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
From Harp to Pipe: Early American Hymn Tunes (Robert J. Powell, organ solo, 160-663, Mod. easy)
Three Pastorales (Clive Jenkins, organ solo, 160-650, Mod. easy)
Mohawk River Suite, A (Alfred V. Fedak, harpsichord, organ, piano, flute, singers, 160-926, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
Fantasia: A Languedoc Landscape - Tone Poem for Organ, Brass quintet, and Timpani (Craig Phillips, 160-910, Mod. diff.-Diff.)
Three Reflections on Hymn Tunes (David Ashley White, piano solo, 830-612, Mod. easy)
Recordings Back to top
Fill the World with Loudest Praise

Come, Creator Spirit: Fedak plays Fedak
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Vocal solos Back to top
Pie Jesu (Thomas Coxhead, High voice/Medium voice and kybd., 430-872, Mod. easy)
Choral music
New choral, 2024
As a Lily Among Brambles (David Hurd, SATB and organ, 410-562, Mod. diff.)
God Be in My Head (Mattilda Middleton, Unison/Solo and organ, 420-224, Easy)
Grounded in Love (Jessica Nelson, SATB and organ, 420-304, Mod. diff.)
The Lamb (Alan Lewis, SATB a cappella, 405-423, Mod. diff.)
Love Flows from God (Carson Cooman, SATB a cappella, 410-690, Mod. easy)
My Heart Shall Sing Forever (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-840, Mod. easy)
O Christ the Healer (David Ashley White, Two-part, kybd., 410-623, Mod. easy)
A Prayer for Love (Stephanie Martin, SATB, a cappella, 410-662, Mod. diff.)
The Singing Shepherd (Kathleen Allan, SATB a cappella, 405-239, Mod. diff.)
The Angels Sing This Day (Sarah MacDonald, SATB a cappella, 405-253, Mod. diff.)
Christmas Vesper Responsory (Robert Lehman, SATB a cappella, 405-204, Mod. easy)
Come, Let Us Go Again (Carson Cooman, SATB, Brass quintet, timp., organ, 405-255, Mod. diff.)
Love Came Down at Christmas (Marty Wheeler Burnett, 405-254, Mod. easy)
This Holy Hour (Margaret Burk, SATB and harp, 440-224, Mod. diff.)
Hear My Prayer, O Lord (Robert Lehman, 410-542, SATB a cappella, Mod. diff.)
How Long, O Lord (Robert Lehman, 410-543, SATB a cappella, Mod. diff.)
Unto Thee, O Lord (Robert Lehman, 410-544, SATB a cappella, Mod. diff.)
Good Shepherd Evening Service (Craig Phillips, 410-947, SATB and organ, Mod. diff.)
Preces and Responses (Louise Reid, 410-937, Two-part treble voices, Mod. easy)
Preces and Responses (Katherine Burk Webb, 410-934, SATB a cappella, Mod. easy)
New choral, 2022-2023
As God's Chosen Ones (Craig Phillips, SATB, a cappella, 420-422, Mod. easy)
I Am Loved As I Love (Carson Cooman, 410-626, Two-part [Mixed/S.A./T.B.], drone, Mod. easy)
I Sought My God (William Bradley Roberts, SATB, a cappella, 420-422, Mod. easy)
Light in My Darkness (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd., opt soprano solo, opt. oboe, 420-119, Mod. easy)
O Freedom (Carson Cooman, 410-657, SATB, kybd., Mod. easy)
Out of Silence Music Rises (Alfred V. Fedak, Two-part mixed, kybd., 420-410, Mod. easy)
Rejoice, I Say (Annabel Rooney, SATB, kybd., 410-505, Mod. easy)
This Is the Meaning (Alfred V. Fedak, 410-533, SATB, kybd., Mod. easy)
When the Morning Stars Together (Alfred V. Fedak, 425-800, SATB, organ, opt. cong., Mod. easy)
O Sacrum Convivium (Sarah MacDonald, SATB, a cappella, 410-424, Mod. easy)
Adam Lay Ybounden (Craig Phillips, SATB, a cappella, 405-250, Mod. easy)
Christmas Carol (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd./string quartet, 405-248, Mod. easy)
Dormi Jesu! (Jaebon Hwang, SATB, organ, 405-272, Mod. easy)
There Is No Rose of Such Virtue (David Ashley White, SATB a cappella, 405-277, Mod. easy)
There Is No Rose (Margaret Burk, SSATTB a cappella, 405-229, Mod. diff.)
Whence Is That Goodly Fragrance/Quelle est Cette Odeur Agréable (Sarah MacDonald, SATB a cappella, 405-231, Mod. diff.)
There Is a Green Hill (Majalisa Dunnewald, SATB, Tenor solo, organ, 405-501, Mod. easy)
Psalm Settings
Miserere/Psalm 51 (Katherine Webb, SATB, a cappella, 410-800, Mod. diff.)
O Praise Ye the Lord (Craig Phillips, SATB, opt. brass quintet, opt. timp., organ, 410-874, Mod. diff.)
Put Your Trust in God (Jack Warren Burnam, SATB, kybd., 410-807, Mod. diff.)
You Know Me (Psalm 139) (Kristina Arakelyan, Two-part treble, kybd., 410-838, Mod. easy)
Mass setting
Mass on Early American Tunes (William Bradley Roberts, Unison with opt. choral Amen and descant, 410-936, Easy)
Christ the Victorious (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, opt. tpt., 410-722, Mod. easy)
Preces and Responses (Käthe Wright Kaufman, SATB a cappella, 410-981, Mod. diff.)
New choral, 2021
The Angel Gabriel (Sarah MacDonald, SATB a cappella, 405-203, Mod. easy)
Christ Is the Day (David Ashley White, SATB, organ/kybd., 405-120, Mod. easy)
Gold and Spices (Alison Willis, SATB, a cappella, 405-302, Mod. diff.)
Hodie (Sarah Rimkus, SATB, organ, 405-217, Mod. diff.)
I Syng of a Mayden (Kathleen Allan, 405-252, SATB, a cappella, Diff.)
The Manger Throne (Eleanor Daley, SATB, kybd., 405-222, Mod. diff.)
Ríu, Ríu, Chíu (Sarah MacDonald, SATB a cappella, 405-237, Mod. easy)
Un Enfant Nouveau-Né (Elizabeth Coxhead/Thomas Coxhead, SATB a cappella, 405-241, Mod easy)
Regina Caeli (Kerensa Briggs, SATB (divisi) a cappella, 405-520, Difficult)
Agnus Dei (Craig Phillips, SATB, organ, 410-420, Mod. easy)
Come, Join the Dance of Trinity (Alfred V. Fedak, Two-part, kybd., 405-701, Mod. easy)
God, You Move Among Us (Cooman, SATB, organ, 410-303, Mod. easy)
Grow in Grace (Cooman, SATB a cappella, 410-520, Mod. easy)
I Lift Up My Eyes (Margaret Burk, SATB and organ, 410-805, Mod. diff.)
Listen, Sweet Dove (Katherine Burk, Two-part treble, kybd., 418-630, Mod. easy)
Listen, Sweet Dove (Katherine Burk, SAB, organ, 418-631, Mod. diff.)
O Quam Gloriosum (Bethany Ari Randall, SATB a cappella, 415-420, Diff.)
Preces and Responses (Margaret Burk, SATB a cappella, 410-952, Mod. diff.)
Fitzwilliam Service (Magnificat/Nunc dimittis) (Sarrah Cattley, SATB, organ, 410-942, Mod. diff.
New choral, 2020
A New Day (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd., 420-220, Mod. easy)
Dignus Es: Song to the Lamb (David Ashley White, Two-part, kybd., 410-835, Mod. easy)
Benediction (Craig Phillips, SATB, a cappella, 410-178, Mod. easy)
The Stories That We Live (Alice Parker, SATB, organ, 410-693, Mod. easy)
O Gracious Light (Phos Hilaron) (Craig Phillips, SATB, organ, 410-618, Mod. diff.) Psalms
The Lord Is My Strength (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd., 410-826, Mod. easy)
Lift Up Your Heads (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 410-827, Mod. easy)
Rejoice! (Craig Phillips, SATB, organ, brass quintet, timp., 405-565, Mod. diff.)

A Gaelic Blessing (Sarah MacDonald, SAB a cappella, 410-116, Mod. easy)
As We Gather At Your Table (Eleanor Daley, SATB, organ, 410-650, Mod. diff.)
Sing, My Soul, His Wondrous Love (Sarah MacDonald, SATB, organ, opt. cong., 410-654, Mod. easy)
My Eyes for Beauty Pine (Elizabeth Coxhead/Tom Coxhead, SATB, a cappella, sop. solo, 420-201, Mod. easy)
Five Introits (Sarah MacDonald, SATB a cappella, 410-111, Mod. easy/Mod. diff.)
O Nata Lux (Annabel Rooney, SATB a cappella, 405-320, Mod. diff.)
The Church's One Foundation (Eleanor Daley, SATB, organ, opt. cong., 425-705, Mod. easy)
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (Stephanie Martin, SATB double chorus a cappella, 410-435, Diff.)
Evening Prayer
Fitzwilliam Service (Magnificat/Nunc dimittis) (Sarah Cattley, Two-part treble, organ, 410-941, Mod. easy)
Preces and Responses (Elizabeth Kimble, SATB a cappella, 410-932, Mod. diff.)
Preces and Responses, Set 2 (Sarah MacDonald, Two-part treble, a cappella, 410-933, Mod. easy)
Mass Setting
Missa Brevis: Tongues of Fire (Cecilia McDowall, SATB, organ, 410-962, Diff.)
New choral, 2019
As Those of Old (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd., opt. handbells or C inst, 405-220, Mod. easy)
Gentle Joseph Heard a Warning (Carson Cooman, TTBB, organ, 405-235, Mod. easy)
Magnificat (David Ashley White, Unison/two-part, 410-940, Mod. easy)
The Apple Tree (David Ashley White, Two-part a cappella, C inst., 405-158, Mod. easy)
The Apple Tree (David Ashley White, SATB a cappella, 405-159, Mod. easy)
All People That on Earth Do Dwell (Craig Phillips, SATB, organ, 410-638, Mod. diff.)
And Still the Bread Is Broken (David Ashley White, Two-part, organ, opc. C inst., 410-436, Mod. easy)
O Jesus, I Have Promised (David Ashley White, SATB, kybd., 420-231, Mod. easy)
Teach Me, O Lord (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 410-539, Mod. easy)
This Is My Servant (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, keyboard, 410-512, Mod. easy)
I Beseech You Therefore (Craig Phillips, SATB, organ, 410-544, Mod. diff.)
What Is Good? (Carson Cooman, SATB, a cappella, 410-532, Mod. diff.)
Choristers' Prayer (Craig Phillips, Unison treble, organ, opt. 2nd voice, 410-335, Mod. easy)
Psalm 121 (Craig Phillips, SATB, organ, 410-861, Mod. diff.)
It Is Good to Give Thanks (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, brass, opt. solo, opt. Oboe, 410-892, Mod. diff.)
When All Is Ended (William P. Rowan, SATB, organ, opt. cong., 405-170, Mod. easy)
Kyrie (Carlos Cordero, SATB/SAB; SSAA; TTBB, 410-918, Mod. diff.)
Easter Fanfare (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, opt. brass quartet, timp., 405-556, Mod. easy)
Regina Coeli (Carlos Cordero, SSA, organ, 405-559, Mod. diff.)
Evening Services
And Now with Darkness: Evening Services (Canticles and Preces & Responses), Vol. I (Carson Cooman, Alfred V. Fedak, Craig Phillips, David Ashley White, 410-900, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
The Palmer Preces and Responses (David Ashley White, SATB a cappella, 410-949, Mod. diff.)
The Birmingham Preces and Responses (Craig Phillips, SATB a cappella, 410-926, Mod. diff.)
New choral, 2017-2018
Come, My Way, My Truth (Craig Phillips, SATB a cappella, 418-620, Mod. dif.)
I Sought the Lord (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 410-377, Mod. easy)
Rooted in Christ (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-349, Mod. easy)
God's Grandeur (Craig Phillips, SATB, organ, 420-822, Mod. diff.)
I See His Blood upon the Rose (Wm. C. Witherup, SATB a cappella, flute, 420-417, Mod. easy)
Except the Lord Build the House (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB [divisi], organ, brass quint., timp., opt. cong., 425-710, Mod. diff.)
Come, thou Long-Expected Jesus (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 405-145, Mod. easy)
The King Shall Come (Wm. C. Witherup, SATB, organ, opt. handbells, 405-175, Mod. easy)
Jesus, Gift of God (Carson P. Cooman, Two-part treble, kybd., 405-216, Easy)
Palmer Canticles (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 410-950, Mod. diff.)
Portland Canticles (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-924, Mod. diff.)
Prescott Canticles (Carson P. Cooman, SATB, organ, 410-923, Mod. easy)
Prescott Preces and Responses (Carson P. Cooman, SATB a cappella, 410-922, Mod. easy)
St. David Canticles (Craig Phillips, SATB, organ, 410-927, Mod. diff.)
Psalm settings
I Will Give Thanks [Psalm 9] (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, opt. children's choir, opg. handbells, Mod. diff.)
Lord, Who May Enter [Psalm 15] (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, cantor, organ, opt. cong., 410-816, Mod. easy)
Psalm 90 (Phillips, SATB, organ, brass quintet, timp., 415-190, Mod. diff.)
New choral, 2016-2017
The Lord Bless You and Keep You (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB a capella, 410-175, Mod. easy)
I Will Sing and Make Melody (David Ashley White, SATB a capella, 410-121, Mod. easy)
God Saw That It Was Good (Craig Phillips, SATB, kybd., 410-509, Mod. diff.)
Called As Partners (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, opt. cong., 415-240, Mod. easy)
King of Glory, King of Peace (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, opt. Tpt., opt. Handbells, 418-625, Mod. easy)
There Is a Balm in Gilead (Wm. C. Witherup, Two-part, kybd., 420-673, Mod. easy)
God, Your Glory Fills the Earth (David Ashley White, Unison/two-pt., organ, opt. cong., 415-927, Mod. easy)
With a Shining Like the Sun (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, opt. brass quintet, timp., and cong., 415-925, Difficult)
Rabbi, Weave Your Net of Words (Alice Parker, SATB, kybd., 410-694, Mod. diff.)
Maria Walks Amid the Thorn (David Ashley White, SAB, organ, 405-226, Mod. easy)
Deo Gratias! (Adam lay ybounden) (David Ashley White, Two-part, kybd., 405-200, Mod. easy)
Come, Jesus, Come (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd. or string quartet, opt. flute/C inst., 405-210, Mod. diff.)
Sweet Was the Song (David Ashley White, SAB a cappella, 405-225, Mod. easy)
See, Amid the Winter's Snow (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 405-232, Mod. easy)
Lent/Holy Week
I Am the Vine (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, baritone solo, 405-458, Mod. easy)
New choral, 2015
Sing, My Soul (David Ashley White, Two-part, organ, 410-653, Mod. easy)
Have We Any Gift (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, keybd., 410-320, Mod. easy)
Restore in Us, O God (Craig Phillips, SATB, organ, 410-325, Mod. diff.)
The Day Begins and Ends (Alice Parker, SATB, organ, 410-692, Mod. diff.)
Something New/Psalm 23 (David Ashley White, SATB, C inst., 410-802, Mod. easy)
New Life, New Love, New Light (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, opt. cong., 420-391, Mod. diff.)
Every Generation (Carson P. Cooman, SAB, organ, 415-106, Mod. easy)
The Acceptable Year (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-530, Mod. easy)
When Peace, Like a River (David Ashley White, SATB, keybd., 420-139, Mod. easy)
Morning or Evening Prayer (Russell Schulz-Widmar, SATB, keybd., 410-980, Mod. easy)
God Be in My Head (David Ashley White, SAB a cappella, 410-356, Mod. easy)
Psalm Setting
Sing to the Lord-Psalm 98 (Craig Phillips, SATB, organ, opt. children's choir, 410-899, Mod. diff.)
Feast After Feast (Carson P. Cooman, SATB a cappella, 410-411, Mod. easy)
A Carol for Advent (Carl Schalk, Unison, keybd., flute, 405-156, Mod. easy)
Before the Marvel of This Night (David Ashley White, Two-part, handbells, perc., 405-245, Mod. easy)
That King Before Whose Majesty (David W. Music, SATB, keybd., 405-312, Mod. easy)
Wise Men Came Journeying (Carson P. Cooman, SATB, organ, 405-306, Mod. easy)
Palm Sunday Antiphons (Robert McCormick, SATB a cappella, 405-460, Mod. diff.)
Let the Heavens Ring (Bradley Ellingboe, SATB, keybd., flute, conga, 405-529, difficulty)
Children's Anthem
Lord of the Dance (Steve Pilkington, Unison/two-part, kybd., handbells, glock, hand drum, 422-815, Mod. easy)
Hymn Concertato
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, brass quartet, opt. cong., 425-865, Mod. easy)
New choral, 2013-2014
God Is the Poet (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kbyd., opt. flute/C inst., opt. cong., 420-411, Mod. easy)
A New Creation (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 420-121, Mod. easy)
Surely It Is God Who Saves Me (Craig Phillips, SATB a cappella, 410-844, Mod. diff.)
Ave Verum Corpus, (K. Lee Scott, SATB, opt. kybd., 410-416, Mod. diff.)
Make Me An Instrument of Your Peace (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-315, Mod. easy)
O Splendor of God's Glory Bright (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 420-322, Mod. diff.)
Ubi Caritas (Sean Salamon, SATB a cappella, 410-605, Mod. easy)
Breathe on Me, Breath of God (Craig Phillips, SATB a cappella, 405-605, Mod. easy)
Not to Us (Carson P. Cooman, SATB a cappella, 410-515, Mod. easy)
Take Up the Song (David W. Music, SATB, organ, opt. brass, 420-406, Mod. easy)
A Prayer for Peace (Carlton R. Young, SATB, organ, opt. cong., 410-636, Mod. easy)
You Hold All Souls in Life (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd., 415-400, Mod. easy)
Lord Jesus, Make Me Holy (David Ashley White, SAB, a cappella, 420-240, Mod. easy)
The People Who in Darkness Walked (David W. Music, SATB, kybd., 405-160, Mod. easy)
Wondrous Majesty (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 405-230, Mod. easy)
Born Among Us in the Night (Carson P. Cooman, SATB, kybd., 405-246, Mod. easy)
The Oxen (Stephen Barr, SATB, Clarinet/English hn., 405-266, Mod. diff.)
Now Jesus Christ Ascends (Mark Sedio, 405-810, SATB, handbells, Mod. diff.)
Spirit, Moving Over Chaos (David Ashley White, Chorus, oboe/C inst., perc., opt. bells, Mod. easy)
Hymn Concertato
Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (David Ashley White, SATB, org., opt. children, opt. cong., brass, 425-863, Mod. diff.)
New choral, 2011
Thy Holy Wings (David Ashley White, SATB, kybd., 410-309, Mod. easy)
A Parting Blessing: Walk Softly (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB a capella, 410-180, Mod. diff.)
Rejoice and Exult (Craig Phillips, SATB, organ, 405-148, Mod. diff.)
Come, Pure Hearts (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, opt. fl., bells, 420-382, Mod. easy)
God Still Sings (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd. 420-408, Mod. easy)
A Hymn of Glory (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 405-526, Mod. easy)
I Am the Good Shepherd (John Arnn, Unison choir, kybd., 422-810, Easy)
Voice of Joy (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 410-890, Mod. easy)
Psalm Settings
My Mouth Shall Speak Your Praise (Robert J. Powell, SATB, organ, 410-871, Mod. diff.)
O God, You Are My God (Robert J. Powell, SATB a capella, 410-863, Mod. diff.)
Psalm Settings
Two Fraction Anthems (David Lowry, Unison/SATB, organ, 410-970, Mod. easy)
Te Deum (David Ashley White, SATB, organ 410-935 Difficult)
New choral, 2009-2010
Are You Weary of Your Burden (David Ashley White, SATB, violin or kybd., 420-365 Mod. easy)
Ever-Flowing Streams of Praise (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd., opt. vln., 410-609, Mod. easy)
Christ, Who Knows All His Sheep (David Ashley White, SATB and organ, 420-148, Mod. easy)
Most High, Omnipotent, Good Lord (Craig Phillips, SATB and organ, 410-629, Mod. diff.)
Valediction (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB and organ, 440-832, Mod. diff.)
From All That Dwell (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, opt. brass quartet, 420-750, Mod. easy)
The Windows (Alan Lewis, SATB, 418-618, Mod. diff.)
The Appleton Motets (Carson P. Cooman, Two-part (S.A. or T.B.), 410-538, Mod. easy/Mod. diff.)
Matin Responsory (David Ashley White, SATB a cappella, 405-140, Mod. easy)
A Prayer for Advent (Craig Phillips, SATB, flute, organ, 405-182, Mod. diff.)
Kings Are Sleeping (Carson P. Cooman, SATB, 405-275, Mod. easy)
The Glory of Christmas (Austin C. Lovelace, SATB, kybd., 405-202, Mod. easy)
Come, Join in Cana's Feast (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 405-385, Mod. easy
Arise, Shine, for Your Light Is Come (Robert J. Powell, SAB, kybd., 405-331, Mod. easy)
Pentecost/Holy Spirit
To Thee, O Comforter Divine (David Ashley White, SATB and organ, 405-632, Mod. easy)
Psalm settings
The Lord Is My Shepherd [Psalm 23] (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB and organ, 440-828, Mod. diff.)
Mass settings
Mass for a Celebration (David Ashley White, Unison cong., organ, opt. brass, 410-956, Mod. easy.)
Handbell Back to top
Newest releases
Alleluia! The Strife Is O'er (Leonard Bobrowski, Level 2-3, 2 octaves-19 bells)
Carol of the Bells (William C. Witherup, Level 4, 3 octaves-26 bells)
It Came upon a Midnight Clear (Leonard Bobrowski, Level 4, 2 octaves-23 bells)
O Sons and Daughters (Sloan Palmer, Level 2-3, 3 octaves-21 bells)
Instrumental Back to top
Brass Quartet
Rise Up, O Saints of God (FESTAL SONG)--Arr. Jayne Southwick Cool
(Brass quartet, organ, and congregation, 820-410)
Make We Joy Now in This Feast (Robert J. Powell, 820-201, brass quartet)
Three Fanfares (David Hurd, organ, brass, and timpani, 160-932)
Brass Quintet
Phillips Hymn Arrangements (Craig Phillips, Moderately difficult)
Adeste Fideles | Antioch | Mendelssohn | Winchester Old
Easter Hymn | Fortunatus | Salve Feste Dies | Victory
All Creatures of Our God and King: LASST UNS ERFREUEN (Craig Phillips, organ, brass, percussion, choir, and congregation, 820-620)
Three Fanfares (David Hurd, organ, brass, and timpani, 160-932)
Amazing Grace: NEW BRITAIN (Alfred V. Fedak, brass quintet and organ, 820-801, Mod. easy)
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing: NETTLETON (Alfred V. Fedak, brass quintet and organ, 820-802, Mod. diff.)
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven: LAUDA ANIMA (Craig Phillips, organ, brass, percussion, choir, and congregation, 820-621)
Sing Praise to God/Let All Creation: MIT FREUDEN ZART (Alfred V. Fedak, brass quintet and organ, 820-804, Mod. easy)
Church's One Foundation, The (AURELIA)Arr. Jayne Southwick Cool (Brass quintet and timpani, organ, and congregation, 820-501)
Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER)--Arr. Jayne Southwick Cool (Brass quintet and timpani, organ, and congregation, 820-498)
O God, Our Help in Ages Past (ST. ANNE)--Arr. Jayne Southwick Cool (Brass quintet, organ, and congregation, 820-505)