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O Nata Lux
Annabel Rooney

Composer Annabel Rooney
Text Latin
Voicing SATB, a cappella
Topics Light
Lectionary usage Epiphany ABC, Transfiguration A
Price $2.25 (U.S.)
Length 4' 50" Released 1/2020
Catalog no. 405-320
Difficulty Mod. difficult

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Annabel Rooney has written a richly beautiful setting of the familiar Latin prayer ("Light born of light"). Beginning with a simple texture, the lush added-note harmony ebbs and flows expressively towards radiant climaxes. Significant divisi throughout makes this a particularly good choice for a larger choir.

O nata lux delumine,
Jesu redemptory saeculi,
dignare clemens supplicum
laudes preces que sumere.
Qui carne quondam contegi,
dignatus es pro perditis.
nos membra confer effici,
tui beati coporis.

-Anonymous, 10th cent.

O Light born of Light,
Jesus, redeemer of the world,
with loving-kindness deign to receive
supplicant praise and prayer.
Thou who once deigned
to be clothed in flesh
for the sake of the lost,
grant us to be members
of thy blessed body.

review copy

"This motet is the lone piece in the dozen releases that operates within the ubiquitous pandiatonic style so popular with performers and listeners. Unlike some of the more indulgent examples of the style, though, Rooney retains a harmonic activity and direction that holds the attention and engages the listener's mind. Somewhat typical of the style, parts divide freely to create sonorous washes of sound, and in place of vertiginous alternations of rubato and a tempo, Rooney effectively employs beats of rest to allow the air to clear. On the whole the piece is not particularly challenging, especially for ensembles accustomed to singing in this style. It strikes an attractive balance between the white-note style and more rigorously structured idioms, widening its appeal to a maximum audience." -AAM Journal, March 2020


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