Music in Worship is Selah's occasional newsletter for church musicians, with interviews and helpful articles for choir directors, organists, and leaders of congregational song. You can now reference all articles any time you like, just bookmark this page for reference. It's one way we are trying to help our successful church musicians.
Click below on a topic to find articles from past issues available online. Look for New! to find the articles most recently added.
Worship Articles
For Choral Directors
Playing Hymns
For Organists
Pastoral Viewpoint
Hymn of the Week Selah's Hymn-of-the-Week sends you weekly inspiration for planning your church services, helps you find hymns appropriate for the lectionary, and familiarizes you with congregational song that is worth introducing and using regularly.

Worship articles Back to top
*Commissioning New Music
*On Singing Psalms, Richard Leach
*Instruments in Worship
*Learning from the Past, Lowell Mason
For Choral Directors Back to top
*Planning for the Efficient Rehearsal, David W. Music
*Need a Larger Budget?
*Preparing a Score for Rehearsal, Austin C. Lovelace
*Say Thank You, Ken Lowenberg
Playing Hymns Back to top
*Hark the Herald Angels Sing/MENDELSSOHN Alfred V. Fedak
*Holy, Holy, Holy/NICAEA Austin C. Lovelace
For Organists Back to top
*P's & Q'sPhrasing
Pastoral Viewpoint Back to top
*Richard Leach: "Beyond Good Words and Good Sound to Worship"
*Thomas Troeger: "Music As a Form of Pastoral Care"
*Gracia Grindal: "Contemporary vs. Traditional"
*Carl P. Daw, Jr.: "Some Thoughts about Choosing Hymns for Worship"
Interviews Back to top
*Richard Leach
*Alfred V. Fedak
*Austin C. Lovelace
*Richard Proulx