The Dallas Hymnary
A collection of 40 hymns by members of the Association of Anglican Musicians (AAM) in celebration of the 2023 annual conference of the association held in Dallas, Texas.

Soul Becomes a Song has new and selected Richard Leach texts in settings by many different composers. Hymns necessary for today's worship. The Cirles of Our Love is a collection of over 45 hymn tunes by Patrick Michaels with texts for all times of the church year and services. Each hymn uses the text of a different author, so it's a hymnary that has a wide variety of styles and topics.
The New Song Never Ends is composer Scott Hyslop's first collection, and includes work from his first 25 years as a composer of hymn tunes. The Sower Comes Again presents Richard Leach's wonderful hymn texts in settings by many different composers.
Storm of Grace is a collaboration between James Clemens and Richard Leach, providing a wide variety of hymns for the lectionary year. I'll Sing and Joyful Be is a collection of the David Ashley White's inimitable new hymns.
Stones Unthrown contains the new and older hymns of Alfred V. Fedak, all previously unpublished, to add to his oeuvre of popular and singable hymn tunes.
Uncommon Mercy is a collection of the newest hymns from Rusty Edwards and dozens of collaborators from all over the world. Into the Present Light includes Carson Cooman's most recent hymn tunes.

Selah Songs of Rejoicing celebrates Selah's publishing the best of contemporary hymnody since 1989, in a large collection of over 200 hymns.

2009's hymn collections include hymns on the parables of Jesus in And Jesus Said: Parables in Song, Al Fedak's newest collection of hymn tunes God of the Future, and Richard Leach's collection of Psalm paraphrases, Banquet without Walls.
Two impressive anthologies of Richard Leach's and Rae Whitney's hymn texts are Tuned for Your Sake: Hymns 1987-2007 by Richard Leach and Under the Fig Tree: More Hymns and a Few Poems by Rae E. Whitney.
Hear the Angels Sing is a collection of hymns devoted to the work of those heavenly beings we know so little about but are such a great part of today's culture. A new collaboration between poet Richard Leach and composer David Ashley White is New Harmony: A Harp of Thousand Strings.
Selah's congregational song collections
Selah Songs of Rejoicing (hymnal supplement, 2011)
And Jesus Said: Parables in Song (2009), hymns on the parables of Jesus
Hear the Angels Sing (2005)
Selah Psalter
Shepherd Songs, a collection of new hymns on Christ the Good Shepherd by today's finest authors and composers.
Sing Justice, Do Justice
To God with Love
Sing to Our God New Songs of Rejoicing (2000)
New Songs of Rejoicing (1994)
Songs of Rejoicing: Hymns for Worship, Meditation & Praise (1989)
Selah's very first publication was the well-received hymnal supplement, Songs of Rejoicing: Hymns for Worship, Meditation & Praise, in 1989, followed by our next supplement New Songs of Rejoicing in 1994, and we continue publishing the best contemporary hymns being written today, including our latest supplement Sing to Our God New Songs of Rejoicing, published in 2000. Our publications include hymnal supplements, a children's hymnal, To God with Love, and numerous individual author and composer collections.