Born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, organist and composer Alfred V. Fedak (b. 1953) attended the Pingry School and graduated from Hope College with degrees in Organ Performance and Music History. He subsequently earned a Master's degree in Organ Performance from Montclair State University and has done additional study at Westminster Choir College, Eastman School of Music, and in Austria and England. He studied organ with Prudence Curtis, Roger Davis, Roger Rietberg, and Jon Gillock; his harpsichord studies were with Arthur Haas. A Fellow of the American Guild of Organists, Fedak also holds the Guild's Choirmaster Certificate, and has served as Director of the AGO's national Professional Certification Committee.
A widely-published and well-known composer of church music, Fedak has well over 300 choral and organ works in print, and more than 100 of his hymn tunes appear in hymnals and collections throughout the English-speaking world and Asia. Four anthologies of his hymns have been published by Selah Publishing Co.: a review in The Hymn (the journal of the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada) called Fedak "the finest composer of hymn tunes working today," and Harvard University has described him as being "widely regarded as one of the greatest living composers of original hymn tunes." He has served on the editorial committees for two hymnals: Sing! A New Creation, and Glory to God, the hymnal of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
He has earned many awards in organ performance and composition, including the AGO's prestigious S. Lewis Elmer Award, as well as grants and prizes from ASCAP, the New York State Council on the Arts, the Hymn Society, and the John Ness Beck Foundation. He was a Visiting Fellow in Church Music at the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas, and has received additional honors from institutions as diverse as the Pingry School (his alma mater), the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, The Presbyterian Association of Musicians, the Casimir Pulaski Society, and the Historic Albany Foundation. A member of the Association of Anglican Musicians, in 2019 he was made a member of the Guild of Scholars of the Episcopal Church. In 2021 he was awarded a Fellowship Diploma in Composition (FTCSM/Comp) from the Three Counties School of Music, a conservatory affiliated with the University of Gloucestershire, England.
Named "one of the country’s leading church musicians" by The American Organist, Mr. Fedak has performed and lectured throughout the U.S., including at national and regional conferences of the AGO, the Organ Historical Society, the Presbyterian Association of Musicians, the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, and the Hymn Society. In addition to his many solo appearances, he has performed with numerous choral and instrumental ensembles, including the Grammy-winning Albany Symphony Orchestra and the Canadian Brass. As soloist, accompanist, chamber or church musician, he has performed in eleven foreign countries.
He has composed music on commission for numerous churches, cathedrals, schools, colleges, seminaries, individuals, community choruses, the Hymn Society, the Organ Historical Society, and for chapters of the AGO and Choristers Guild. His choral and organ works have been heard on national television broadcasts, including The Joy of Music and The Hour of Power, on the syndicated radio programs Sing for Joy and Pipedreams, and on WNYC-FM's Studio 360. His highly-reviewed CD, Come, Creator Spirit features nearly 80 minutes of his original organ music.
Fedak has served as organist and choir director for churches and synagogues in the East and Midwest. From 1990 until 2021, he held the position of Minister of Music and Arts at Westminster Presbyterian Church on Capitol Hill in Albany, New York, where he directed an active music program and oversaw the restoration and reinstallation of the church's four-manual, 1929 E. M. Skinner pipe organ. He is presently organist at First Reformed Church in Scotia, N.Y., and at Congregation Beth Emeth in Albany. He is a member of the adjunct music faculty at SUNY Schenectady, and Accompanist/Composer-in-Residence for the Hudson-Mohawk Chorale, an ensemble founded and directed by his wife, Susan Hermance Fedak. Al and Susan are the parents of two grown sons. They have one grandchild.
You may also learn more about Al Fedak and his work at www.alfredfedak.com
Instrumental publications
Amazing Grace: NEW BRITAIN (Alfred V. Fedak, brass quintet and organ, 820-801, Mod. easy)
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing: NETTLETON (Alfred V. Fedak, brass quintet and organ, 820-802, Mod. diff.)
Sing Praise to God/Let All Creation: MIT FREUDEN ZART (Alfred V. Fedak, brass quintet and organ, 820-804, Mod. easy)
Organ/Keyboard publications
Meditation on Adoro te Devote (Alfred V. Fedak, organ collection, 160-611, Mod. easy)
Advent/Christmas Suite, An (Alfred V. Fedak, organ collection, 160-112, Mod. diff.)
New! Carol with Riffs (Alfred V. Fedak, harpsichord/piano, 160-122, Mod. easy)
Divinum Mysterium (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-116, Mod. easy)
Epiphanies: Three Hymn Settings (Alfred V. Fedak, Oboe or Tpt. and Organ, 160-925 Mod. easy)
Fantasia on ST ANNE (Alfred V. Fedak, 012-001 Mod. difficult)
New! Fedak: Even More Harmonizations (Alfred V. Fedak, 160-744, Easy/Mod. easy)
Fedak: 25 More Harmonizations, Vol. IX (Alfred V. Fedak, 160-729)
Fedak: Harmonizations, Vol. III (Alfred V. Fedak, 160-723)
Festival Prelude on Hyfrydol (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-654, Mod. easy)
New! Five for Flute + Organ (Carson Cooman, Alfred V. Fedak, Thomas Pavlechko, Craig Phillips, David Ashley White, 160-936, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
Improvisation on Nicaea-"Holy, Holy, Holy" (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-520, Mod. easy)
Improvisation on Veni Creator Spiritus (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-513, Mod. diff.)
New! In Memoriam (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-665, Mod. easy)
In Paradisum (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-662, Mod. easy)
Invocation & Dance (Alfred V. Fedak, organ and strings, 160-95x, Mod. diff.)
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee -- Festival accompament to HYMN TO JOY (Alfred V. Fedak, organ and choir, 160-679, Mod. easy)
Lenten/Easter Suite, A (Alfred V. Fedak, organ collection, 160-123, Mod. diff.)
Jesus Is the Sunlight (Carson Cooman and Alfred V. Fedak, 160-648, Mod. easy)
Lyric Suite (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-804, Mod. diff.)
Marian Hymn Harmonizations (Alfred V. Fedak, 160-737, Easy-Mod. easy)
Meditation on Adoro te Devote (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-611, Mod. easy)
Mohawk River Suite, A (Alfred V. Fedak, harpsichord, organ, piano, flute, singers, 160-926, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
Music for a Ceremony (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-612, Mod. easy)
Partita on "How Firm a Foundation" (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-621, mod. diff.)
New! Pie Jesu (Alfred V. Fedak, 160-639, Mod. easy)
Prelude on a Gaelic Hymn (Alfred V. Fedak, 160-620, Mod. easy)
Scherzo Ostinato (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-865, Mod. diff.)
Sonata for Worship (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-844, Mod. diff.)
Sonata II for Worship (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-845, Mod. diff.)
Ss. Simon & Jude Organ Book (Daniels, Erickson, Farrell, Fedak, Phillips, Proulx, 160-615, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
New! Triptych for Organ (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-846, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
Triptych for Trumpet and Organ (Alfred V. Fedak, Tpt. and Organ, 160-979, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
New! Triptych on FREDERICKTOWN (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-613, Mod. easy)
New! Trumpet Tune (Alfred V. Fedak, 160-632, Mod. easy)
New! Two Preludes: An ALBANY Processional & Fantasia and Chorale on TYSK (Alfred V. Fedak, 160-636, Mod. easy)
Variations on a Ground (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-868, Mod. diff.)
Variations on BEACH SPRING (Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-641, mod. diff.)
Variations on Pange Lingua(Alfred V. Fedak, organ solo, 160-684, Mod. difficult)
Hymnody | Choral | Keyboard | Instrumental
Come, Creator Spirit: Fedak plays Fedak

Congregational Song publications
New! Stones Unthrown: New Hymns of Alfred V. Fedak (2014)
God of the Future: New Hymntunes of Alfred V. Fedak (2009)

The Alfred V. Fedak Hymnary (1990)
Sing to the Lord No Threadbare Song: New Hymntunes of Alfred V. Fedak (2001)

Large Choral Works
For Us the Living
A Requiem by Alfred V. Fedak
An eight movement work for choir and organ or choir and orchestra (Fedak, SATB, 440-820, Mod. diff.)
Choral octavos
Order a complete set of all of Fedak's choral octavos
Only $39.50, over $90 value
"Alfred Fedak has a singular way of creating music that sounds difficult and complex while in actuality placing modest demands on choirs. His capable integration of a variety of sources, from plainsong to motivically-derived development techniques, imbues his anthems with sophistication." (AAM Journal)
Built on the Rock (Fedak, Two-part, kybd., opt. cong., bells, 241-503)
Come, Gracious Spirit (Alfred V. Fedak, Two-part choir, organ, 405-627, Mod. easy)
God Be with Us (Fedak, Two-part mixed, keyboard, opt. bells, 410-642)
God of Still Waiting (Fedak, Two-part, kybd., 420-149, Mod. easy)
Into Jerusalem Jesus Rode (Fedak, Two-part, organ, harp/kybd., 405-411, Easy)
Let in the Light (Alfred V. Fedak, 2pt., organ, 410-674, Mod. easy)
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Purcell, arr. Fedak, Two-pt., kybd., 420-117, Mod. easy)
Maker of the World (Fedak/Carson P. Cooman, Two-part choir, keyboard, 420-130, Mod. easy)
New! Out of Silence Music Rises (Alfred V. Fedak, Two-part mixed, kybd., 420-410, Mod. easy)
Prayer to the Child Jesus, A (Fedak, Two-part, alto solo, opt. flute, opt. bells, 405-227)
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Fedak, Two-part, kybd., opt. treble inst., opt. cong., 425-350, Mod. easy)
Wordless Song within the Waters (Fedak, Unison/two-pt., kybd., 422-904, Mod. easy)
Shepherd of Souls (Alfred V. Fedak, SAB, organ, 410-421, Mod. easy)
When God's Time Had Ripened (Fedak, SAB and keyboard, 405-213)
The Acceptable Year (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-530, Mod. easy)
Antiphon: Let All the World (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, 418-623, Mod. diff.)
As the Lyre to the Singer (Fedak, SATB, kybd., 420-146, Mod. diff.)
The Austin Canticles (Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-925, Mod. difficult)
Behold Now, Bless the Lord (Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-888, Diff.)
New! Christmas Carol (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd./string quartet, 405-248, Mod. easy)
New! Christ the Victorious (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd., opt. tpt., 410-722, Mod. easy)
Come, Jesus, Come (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd. or string quartet, opt. flute/C inst., 405-210, Mod. diff.)
Ever-Flowing Streams of Praise (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd., opt. vln., 410-609, Mod. easy)
New! Except the Lord Build the House (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB [divisi], organ, brass quint., timp., opt. cong., 425-710, Mod. diff.)
Faith Is the Yes of the Heart (Fedak, SATB, organ, opt. vln., 420-571, Mod. easy)
Falconer, The (Fedak, SATB and organ, 410-659)
Fight the Good Fight (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-635, Mod. easy)
From All That Dwell (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, opt. brass quartet, 420-750, Mod. easy)
God Has Spoken/Lively Wind (Fedak, SATB, organ, 420-371)
God Is the Poet (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kbyd., opt. flute/C inst., opt. cong., 420-411, Mod. easy)
God of the Future (Fedak, SATB, organ, 420-588)
God Still Sings (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd. 420-408, Mod. easy)
Have We Any Gift (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, keybd., 410-320, Mod. easy)
His Voice as the Sound (SATB and Hammered Dulcimer or synthesizer, 420-427, Mod. easy)
Hosanna! (Fedak, SATB, organ, opt. brass, opt. cong., 405-480, Mod. easy)
How Firm a Foundation (Fedak, SATB, organ, opt. cong., 425-828)
I Am the Vine (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, baritone solo, 405-458, Mod. easy)
In Thee Be All Our Glory (Fedak, SATB and organ, 410-608)
New! It Is Good to Give Thanks (Fedak, SATB, organ, brass, opt. solo, opt. oboe, 410-892, Mod. diff.)
I Will Extol Thee (Fedak, SATB and organ, 410-845)
New! I Will Give Thanks [Psalm 9] (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, opt. children's choir, opg. handbells, Mod. diff.)
L'Envoy: King of Glory, King of Peace (Fedak, SATB and organ, 418-611)
New! Light in My Darkness (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kbyd., opt. soprano solo, opt. oboe, 420-119, Mod. easy)
New! Lord, Who May Enter [Psalm 15] (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, cantor, organ, opt. cong., 410-816, Mod. easy)
Make Me An Instrument of Your Peace (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-315, Mod. easy)
New! The Lord Bless You and Keep You (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB a capella, 410-175, Mod. easy)
The Lord Is My Shepherd [Psalm 23] (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB and organ, 440-828, Mod. diff.)
New! Lord, Who May Enter [Psalm 15] (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, cantor, organ, opt. cong., 410-816, Mod. easy)
New! My Heart Shall Sing Forever [Psalms 108 and 138] (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-840, Mod. easy)
New Life, New Love, New Light (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, opt. cong., 420-391, Mod. diff.)
O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High (Fedak, SATB, organ, opt. cong., opt. brass, timpani, 425-339)
A Parting Blessing: Walk Softly (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB a capella, 410-180, Mod. diff.)
Peter's Denial (Fedak, SATB and keyboard, 405-410, Mod easy)
New! Portland Canticles (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-924, Mod. diff.)
Psalm 42: As Pants the Deer (Fedak, SATB and organ, 410-854, Mod. easy)
New! Rooted in Christ (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, 410-349, Mod. easy)
The Song Is Faith (Fedak, SATB, keyboard, 420-154, Mod. easy)
Song of Paul, A (Fedak, SATB and keyboard, 410-513)
There Is a Season (Fedak, SATB a capella, 410-507, Mod. easy)
They Did Not Build in Vain (Fedak, SATB, organ, 415-101, Mod. easy)
This Is the Hour (Fedak, SATB and organ, 410-444, Easy)
New! This Is My Servant (Fedak, keyboard, 410-512, Mod. diff.)
New! This Is the Meaning (Fedak, SATB, kybd., 410-533, Mod. easy)
Thy Matchless Love (Fedak, SATB and organ, 410-428, Mod. easy)
Triune God, Mysterious Being (Fedak, SATB, organ, opt. cong., 425-601)
Valediction (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB and organ, 440-832, Mod. diff.)
What Boundless Love (Fedak, SATB, organ, 420-657)
When God's Time Had Ripened (Fedak, SATB and keyboard, 405-214)
New! When the Morning Stars Together (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, organ, opt. cong., 425-800, Mod. easy)
Where Is the King? (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB a capella, 405-301, Mod. diff.)
With Pipes of Tin and Wood Make Known (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB and organ, opt. cong., 425-753, Mod. easy)
You Hold All Souls in Life (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB, kybd., 415-400, Mod. easy)