Composer Alfred V. Fedak
Church Season Christmas
Price $5.00 (U.S.) Released 5/98
Difficulty Moderately difficult
Catalog no. 160-513
Discography "Come, Creator Spirit" (Selah, 520-160)
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A gentle 3-stanza organ setting of the plainsong, "Of the Father's Love Begotten." Technically easy, the piece has a slow-moving pedal part, and can be played on a single manual with divided stops. Warm, rich, and satisfying to play and to hear.

"These fine settings [by Al Fedak: Meditation on Adoro te Devote, Divinum Mysterium, and Variations on Pange Lingua], all very improvisatory, are good music and easy to play. . . . Divinum Mysterium sets the tune in the even-note rhythm version, with snatches and echoes of the tune's phrases throughout the parts. It would be fine as a Christmas season prelude or Communion piece, or on a December brown-bag concert. It would also be a good piece for students without much pedal experience."--AAM Journal, September 2001
"The more your reviewer sees of Fedak's compositions, the more impressed he is with the high quality of his writing. These four pieces published by Selah support that impression. Each one is in a different style and runs the gamut of fairly easy (Divinum Mysterium) to difficult (Veni Creator Spiritus, which is a toccata). The most original and lovely is 'In Paradisum' with double pedaling against strings, with the melody on an 8' flute in the right hand. All four settings are worth your attention." --The American Organist, January 2003
"[Fedak's] setting of 'Divinum Mysterium' is easy to play and has a flowing multi-metered rhythmic flow, which keeps the plainsong style intact. This one is a must for Advent." --Sacred Music News & Review, October 1998
'"Flutes and a principal define the sound of [Fedak's] setting of 'Divinum Mysterium (Selah 160-116). The tune is stated three times, the last in parallel triads in various inversions. This piece is simple but effective." --The Hymn, January 1999
"Mr. Fedak sets this piece as a gentle, three-stanza rendering of the plainchant. The slow-moving pedal part can be played on a single manual with divided stops. Not difficult." --Pastoral Music, October-November, 1999
"Here is an easy, effective setting of the Sanctus trope." --The American Organist, June 2004