Selah has published hymn-based arrangements for brass quartets and brass quintets, composed by Jayne Southwick Cool, and Al Fedak, and a major work for organ and brass quintet by Craig Phillips. Look below for links to information on each of these titles, and look for more to come.
Organ, Strings, Percussion
French Horn and Strings
English Horn and Strings
- Just As I Am, setting by Eric Demarest (English Hn., Vln., Vla., Cello, 815-501)

New arrangements for brass and organ by Craig Phillips on these hymns:
for Christmas
Adeste Fideles | Antioch | Mendelssohn | Winchester Old
for Easter
Easter Hymn | Fortunatus | Salve Feste Dies | Victory
General hymns (New! Commissioned for 2016 Houston AGO!)
Lasst uns Erfreuen (All Creatures of Our God and King)
Lauda Anima (Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven)
Brass Quartet
Brass Quintet
- New! All Creatures of Our God and King (LASST UNS ERFREUEN)--Arr. Craig Phillips (Brass quintet, timp., organ, cong.) 820-620
- Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN)--Arr. Alfred V. Fedak (Brass quintet, organ, and congregation, 820-801)
- Church's One Foundation, The (AURELIA)--Arr. Jayne Southwick Cool (Brass quintet and timpani, organ, and congregation, 820-501)
- Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (NETTLETON)--Arr. Alfred V. Fedak (Brass quintet, organ, and congregation, 820-802)
- Hail Thee, Festival Day (SALVE FESTE DIES)--Arr. Craig Phillips (Brass quintet, timp., organ, cong.) 820-607
- Hark! the Herald Angels Sing (MENDELSSOHN)--Arr. Craig Phillips (Brass quintet, timp., organ, cong.) 820-603
- Jesus Christ Is Risen Today (EASTER HYMN)--Arr. Craig Phillips (Brass quintet, timp., organ, cong.) 820-609
- Joy to the World (ANTIOCH)--Arr. Craig Phillips (Brass quintet, timp., organ, cong.) 820-601
- Let All Creation/Sing Paise to God (MIT FREUDEN ZART)--Arr. Alfred V. Fedak (Brass quintet, organ, and congregation, 820-804)
- Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER)--Arr. Jayne Southwick Cool (Brass quintet and timpani, organ, and congregation, 820-498)
- O Come, All Ye Faithful (ADESTE FIDELES)--Arr. Craig Phillips (Brass quintet, timp., organ, cong.) 820-602
- O God, Our Help in Ages Past (ST. ANNE)--Arr. Jayne Southwick Cool (Brass quintet, organ, and congregation, 820-505)
- New! Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (LAUDA ANIMA)--Arr. Craig Phillips (Brass quintet, timp., organ, cong.) 820-621
- Sing Paise to God/Let All Creation (MIT FREUDEN ZART)--Arr. Alfred V. Fedak (Brass quintet, organ, and congregation, 820-804)
- The Strife Is O'er (VICTORY)--Arr. Craig Phillips (Brass quintet, timp., organ, cong.) 820-606
- Suite for Organ and Brass Quintet and Percussion--Craig Phillips (Brass quintet, organ, and percussion, 160-981)
- Welcome, Happy Morning (FORTUNATUS)--Arr. Craig Phillips (Brass quintet, timp., organ, cong.) 820-605
- While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night (WINCHESTER OLD)--Arr. Craig Phillips (Brass quintet, timp., organ, cong.) 820-604