Alfred V. Fedak
Text from the Gospel of St. Matthew
Voicing SATB, kybd.
Topic Christian life, Love (of God, of others)
Price $2.50 (U.S.) Length 4' 30"
Released 9/23 Cat. no. 410-533
Difficulty Mod. Easy
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Familiar words of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew (“Love the Lord with all your heart,” etc.) form both a core of the Christian faith and the text of this powerful anthem. The moods throughout vary and respond deeply to the text, but the music is easy to prepare and the text is appropriate for nearly any occasion.
Anthem text
Love the Lord with all your heart,
with all your soul, with all your mind.
Love the Lord with all your heart,
love the neighbor as yourself.
Do not be anxious for your life,
what to eat, or what to wear,
for life is more than food,
and the body more than raiment.
Ask and it shall be given unto you;
seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
for everyone that asks receives,
and they that seek, find;
And to them that knock it shall be opened.
And in all things, do unto others
as you would have them do unto you.
For this is the meaning of the law and prophets.
Love your neighbor, love the Lord.
--from the Gospel of St. Matthew

"A pastiche of familiar phrases from Christ’s teaching forms the basis for a through-composed choral essay. Each section, highlighting essential tenets of the Gospel, forms a distinct unit while maintaining a broad sense of melodic unity. Choral parts are generally homophonic with a pacing that responds to the prosaic nature of the text. The organ accompaniment supports while rarely doubling voices. Fedak's perceptive sense of pacing and close attention to vocal demands combine for an anthem readily accessible to singers and listeners alike." --AAM Journal, Jan./Feb. 2024 |