Composer Alfred V. Fedak
Church Season Lent, Easter
Price $16.00 (U.S.) Released 3/90
Difficulty Mod. easy-Mod. difficult
Catalog no. 160-123
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The five hymn tune settings in this volume by Alfred V. Fedak cover the church year from Lent through Palm Sunday, Holy Week, and Easter. The collection contains "Intonation on 'All Glory, Laud and Honor'" (St. Theodulph), "Sunset to Sunrise Changes Now" (Kedron), "A Lenten Carol-'Now Quit Your Care'" (Quittez, Pasteurs), "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded,' and concludes with an impressive "Improvisation-Toccata: 'The Strife Is O'er'" (Victory).

"The Strife Is O'er" 
"Recommended." -The American Organist
"Encompasses a wide variety of styles with a harmonic idiom that will appeal to both musician and worshiper. Of special note are the exquisite setting of KEDRON in a very expressive style and the effective toccata on VICTORY. Highly recommended."-Cross Accent, 1/94