Composer Alfred V. Fedak
Price $16.50 (U.S.) Released 7/12
Use Hymn accompaniment
Difficulty Moderately easy
Catalog no. 160-737
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Seventeen hymns with Marian texts are harmonized by Alfred V. Fedak for use in accompanying congregational singing. As always, Fedak's treatments are sensitive and tasteful, providing fresh sounds for these beloved hymns.
Includes the tunes
Alle Tage Sing und Sage
Ave Maria
Beautiful Mother
The Flight of the Earls
Gott will’s Mache
Jordan’s Banks
L’Heure etait Venue
Lourdes Hymn
O du Frölich
Omni Die
Pleading Savior
Promised Land
Regina Coeli
Regina Coeli, Jubila
Salve Regina Coelitum
Salve Regina
Sicilian Mariners
Stabat Mater
Stella Maris

Hymns with new harmonizations:
All Who Claim the Faith of Jesus
At the Cross Her Station Keeping
Ave Maria
Be Joyful, Mary
Daily, Daily
Hail, Holy Queen
Hail, Queen of Heaven
Holy Mary, Now We Crown You
Immaculate Mary
I Sing a Maid
Mary, First Among Believers
On This Day, O Beautiful Mother
O Queen of Heaven
O Sanctissima
Salve Regina
She Will Show Us the Promised One
Sing of Mary
Sing We of the Blessed Mother
Stainless the Maiden
Ye Who Claim the Faith of Jesus