Alfred V. Fedak
Text Carl P. Daw, Jr.
Voicing Two-part mixed choir, kybd., opt. bells, opt. children
Topic Christian Life, Worship
Length 4' 30" Price $2.25 (U.S.)
Released 9/95
Catalog no. 410-642
Difficulty Mod. easy
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Min. of 5
takes us through the worship experience, from gathering as a
community; worshiping God in Word, communion, and prayer; to
going forth to truly become the body of Christ. Fedak's setting
is lively and attractive, and he makes the anthem flexible enough
to include children and handbells if desired.
God be with us, God be with us, God
be with us.
God be with us when we gather here:
deliver us from hardened hearts and wandering minds
when we assemble in your house of prayer.
Unite us in a lively faith
that binds the past to present,
hope to memory, age to youth,
that all may worship you
in spirit and in truth.
God be with us.
God be with us when we worship here:
be present in our midst to waken
and combine your Spirit's varied gifts
so that we all may hear your word
and share your bread and wine.
Forgive our sins, remove our fears,
perfect our praise, enlarge our love
to live the prayers and hymns we raise.
God be with us.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
God be with us when we go from here:
help us to bear your peace and love
when there is strife, to find you in the least,
the last, the lost, grant us your grace
to sow the seeds of life, to nurture hope,
to grow in faith and love and be Christ's living body,
seeking, serving, setting free.
God be with us.
Text: Carl P. Daw, Jr. , 1995
© 1995 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, Ill.
60188 (for permission to reprint this text contact Hope at 800.323.1049-www.hopepublishing.com).
All rights reserved.

"Alfred V. Fedak's God be with us when we gather here,
for two-part mixed choir, keyboard and optional handbells, has
a useful text by Carl P. Daw, Jr."-Bulletin of The Hymn
Society of Great Britain and Ireland, April, 1996
"Nearly everyone will find an occasion
for which this fine piece is perfectly suited. The composer knows
how to write skillfully for limited resources, as this excellent
anthem demonstrates. A superb text by Carl P. Daw Jr. has been
set for unison and two-part choir with handbells (12) and optional
children's choir. You can safely order this one 'sight unseen.'"-The
American Organist, 12/96
"It is also suggested that some sections
could be sung by children. The handbell use is limited and in
brackets in the keyboard part. The music is light, happy, and
easy with the choir often singing in canonic lines. The keyboard
is on two staves." -The Diapason, Oct. 1996 |