Triune God, Mysterious Being

Composer Alfred V. Fedak
Text Carl P. Daw, Jr.
Voicing SATB, organ, and opt. cong.
Church Season Trinity Sunday
Topics Ordination/Installation, Christian Ministry & Service
Length 3' 10" Price $1.95 (U.S.) Released 3/91
Catalog no. 425-601 Difficulty Moderately easy
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"'Triune God, Mysterious Being' perfectly unites Carl Daw's evocative text with Alfred Fedak's inward turning tune CHURCH UNITED. Like the Nicene Symbol, Carl approaches the Holy Trinity with imaginative meaphor that needs time for the rich phrases to be digested:
Christ our Savior, Sovereign, Shepherd;
Word made flesh, Love crucified,
eacher, healer suffering servant,
friend of sinners, foe of pride.
Not only does Fedak's tune allow room, but Fedak's arrangement also knows when to keep the texture simple. The sophistication of this fine piece could easily be overlooked by performers, but give a sensitive reading, it could hardly be overlooked by the congregation fortunate enought to receive it." --AAM Journal, March 2002
"Selah continues to promote contemporary hymnody and anthems based on it. These by William Rowan and Alfred Fedak are welcome examples of how to encourage congregations to learn new hymns by including them in anthems based on those hymns. Triune God, Mysterious Being is Fedak's setting of his own tune CHURCH UNITED to Carl Daw's wonderful text. The union is ideal: Daw's vibrant Trinitarian imagery and its theology of dynamic interplay with the mission of the Church is perfectly mirrored in Fedak's gently urgent tune. The Threefold Truth is Rowan's splendid contribution to F. Pratt Green's powerful text which has the familiar memorial acclamation ('Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again!') as its refrain. As an anthem, I like Rowan's better, but as a hymn-tool, Fedak's is more practical. Either way, they are magnificent unions of text, tune, theology, and art; buying the choir copies gives permission to reprint the congregational part in the service sheet, which is a great way to promote many good ends!"-AAM Journal, April 1995
"A gentle 6/8 meter moves this unusual but catchy setting of Fedak's hymn tune CHURCH UNITED, which can be sung for either Pentecost or Trinity Sundays. Only one of the four stanzas is at all tricky, and the anthem ends with choir/ congregation in unison except for a soprano descant. Calr Daw's poetry, as usual, provides strong, fresh images." -- Worship Arts, Jan/Feb 2006
Description An eloquent and timely piece for ordination or installation services of ministers, priests, elders and deacons, for Trinity Sunday, or as a general anthem for worship focusing upon Christian ministry and service. The powerful text addresses the divine attributes of each Person of the Trinity, and concludes each stanza with a petition for divine grace. Car Daw writes that "the final stanza calls on the undivided Trinity to bless the full range of ministries entrusted to the Church." The concertato format and Fedak's sturdy and memorable melody encourages the congregation to participate and become a greater choir.
Anthem text
God the Spirit, guide and guardian,
windsped flame and hovering dove,
breath of life and voice of prophets,
sign of blessing, power and love:
give to those who lead your people
fresh anointing of your grace;
send them forth as bold apostles
to your Church in every place.
Christ our Savior, Sovereign, Shepherd,
Word made flesh, Love crucified,
teacher, healer, suffering servant,
friend of sinners, foe of pride:
in your tending may all pastors
learn and live a shepherd's care;
grant them courage and compassion
shown through word and deed and prayer.
Great Creator, Life-bestower,
Truth beyond all thought's recall,
fount of wisdom, womb of mercy,
giving and forgiving all:
as you know our strength and weakness,
so may those the Church exalts
oversee her life steadfastly
yet not overlook her faults.
Triune God, mysterious Being,
undivided and diverse,
deeper than our minds can fathom,
greater than our creeds rehearse:
help us in our varied callings
your full image to proclaim,
that our ministries uniting
may give glory to your Name.
Text: Carl P. Daw, Jr.
©1989 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, Ill. 60188 (for permission to reprint this text contact Hope at 800.323.1049-www.hopepublishing.com). All rights reserved. |