Editor David P. Schaap
Release date 05/1/11
Catalog no. 125-007, 364 pp.,
267 hymns and songs, soft-cover, 6" x 9"
Price $22.50 (U.S.) |
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Leader's Edition
This edition includes background information on the hymns by many of the authors and composers, topics, scriptural references, and publication history on a full letter-size page. The digital edition has links for easier navigating between the indexes and hymns, and allows access to pdfs for reprinting in bulletins. Available in spiral-bound printed edition, as a digital download, or on CD.
Digital Leader's Edition 125-008D
Price $25 (U.S.)
Leader's Edition on CD 125-008CD
Price $30 (U.S.)
Spiral-Bound Leader's Edition 125-008
Price $40 (U.S.)


Our lastest hymnal supplement, celebrating Selah's publishing the best of contemporary hymnody since 1989. Selah has been at the cutting edge of hymnody since its founding, and still is.
Download the indexes.
This expansive collection is a celebration of contemporary hymnody by a Who's Who of authors and composers. They express the praise and longing, fear and hope, love and concerns of contemporary Christians, in hymns and songs which work their way into our souls. Includes some hymns presented in poetic form.
Over 80 authors and composers represented, including
John Bell
Mary Louise Bringle
Susan Palo Cherwien
Patricia Clark
Daniel Charles Damon
Carl P. Daw, Jr.
Edith Downing
Ruth Duck
Timothy Dudley-Smith
Sylvia Dunstan
Rusty Edwards
Alfred V. Fedak
Fred Pratt Green
Gracia Grindal
Roy Hopp
David Hurd
Amanda Husberg
Richard Leach
Joel Martinson
David W. Music
Herbert O'Driscoll
Joy F. Patterson
Thomas Pavlechko
William P. Rowan
James Quinn, S.J.
Richard Proulx
David A. Robb
Russell Schulz-Widmar
K. Lee Scott
Mark Sedio
Thomas H. Troeger
Bill Wallace
David Ashley White
Rae E. Whitney
Brian Wren
Carlton R. Young