Gracia Grindal
Gracia Grindal is Professor Emeritus of Rhetoric at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. She went to the seminary from Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, where she was a member of the English department faculty from 1968 to 1984.
Grindal earned an undergraduate degree from Augsburg College, Minneapolis, in 1965 and a Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) from the University of Arkansas in 1969. In 1983 she earned a master's degree in theology and history from Luther Seminary.
She has published many articles on hymnody and the writing of hymns and hymnwriters, especially the history of Scandinavian-American Lutheran hymnody. Her hymns and hymn translations are published in hymnals of several mainline churches, including Episcopalian, Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist and Presbyterian denominations. |
Congregational Song collections
125-405 We Are One in Christ
Choral octavos
Holy Spirit, Revive Your Church (David Ashley White, 405-636, SATB and organ)
Let the Heavens Ring (Bradley Ellingboe, SATB, keybd., flute, conga, 405-529, difficulty)
Sorrow and Gladness (Alice Parker, 405-679, SATB, Mod. diff.)