David Ashley White, Professor of Composition and the C. W. Moores, Jr. Endowed Professor of Music in the Moores School of Music, University of Houston, and Composer-in-Residence at Houston’s Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church, earned degrees from the University of Houston (B.M. and M.M.) and the University of Texas at Austin (D.M.A.). He served as Director of the Moores School from 1999-2014. His secular and sacred compositions and commissions are widely performed and published. His recorded vocal and instrumental music appear on Zephyr--Echoes from the American Cathedral, St. Paul’s Choir, Houston, and The Blue Estuaries, Houston Chamber Choir. On the Gothic label is Praise the Spirit, Palmer Church Choir, containing anthems, motets, service music, and hymns. As you set out for Ithaka, on Albany, contains secular music performed by students and faculty from the Moores School. Most recent, and also on Gothic, is So the Night Fall, which features his music for Choral Evensong and Concert.
White’s hymns are in various denominational books, including The Hymnal 1982 (Episcopal), The United Methodist Hymnal, Great Britain’s Worship Songs Ancient and Modern, and Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal. Selah Publishing Co. has published four volumes of his hymns, which encompass all his work in this genre to date.
A seventh-generation Texan, White was named Distinguished Composer by the American Guild of Organists for its national convention, held in Houston in June 2016. In April 2015, he received the Esther Farfel Award from the University of Houston, the university’s highest honor, in recognition of his teaching, creative work, and service, and in July 2015, he was awarded the Raabe Prize for Excellence in Sacred Composition for his choral composition, Spirit, Moving over Chaos, published by Selah and included on the CD, Praise the Spirit. |
Choral | Unison | Two-pt. | SAB | SATB
Recordings | Organ/Keyboard | Vocal Solos
Congregational Song publications
New Harmony: A Harp of Thousand Strings (125-427)
Sing My Soul: The Hymns of David Ashley White (125-026)
Songs for a New Creation: New Hymns of David Ashley White (125-027)
New! Mass for a Celebration (410-956)
New! I'll Sing and Joyful Be: New Hymns of David Ashley White (125-028)
Organ/Keyboard publications
Aria (David Ashley White, organ solo, 160-680, Mod. easy)
Brewer's Trumpet (David Ashley White, organ solo, 160-822, Mod. easy.)
Come, Pure Hearts: Introduction, Theme & Variations (David Ashley White, organ solo, 160-838, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
Fanfare for St. Anthony (David Ashley White, organ solo, 160-659, mod. diff.)
New! Five for Flute + Organ (Carson Cooman, Alfred V. Fedak, Thomas Pavlechko, Craig Phillips, David Ashley White, 160-936, Mod. easy-Mod. diff.)
For the Means of Grace & for the Hope of Glory (David Ashley White, organ solo, 160-835, Mod. diff.)
Night Cries (David Ashley White, organ solo, 160-850, Difficult)
New! Psalm 88 for oboe and organ (David Ashley White, 160-961, Difficult)
New! Sarabande (David Ashley White, 160-681, Mod. easy)
A Second Light (David Ashley White, organ solo, 160-660, Mod. easy)
Three Reflections on Hymn Tunes (David Ashley White, piano solo, 830-612, Mod. easy)
Vocal Solos
Easter Wings (David Ashley White, Medium-high voice and piano, 430-411, Mod. diff.)
Frontier Songs (David Ashley White, High voice and piano, 430-870, Mod. diff.)
Choral octavos Order a complete set of all of White's choral octavos.
O Love of God (David Ashley White, Unison choir, violin, 410-633, Mod. easy)
The Earth Is the Lord's (Unison voices, keyboard, opt. cong., 410-824)
New! God, Your Glory Fills the Earth (David Ashley White, Unison/two-pt., organ, opt. cong., 415-927, Mod. easy)
New! Magnificat (David Ashley White, Unison/two-part, 410-940, Mod. easy)
Before the Marvel of This Night (David Ashley White, Two-part, handbells, perc., 405-245, Mod. easy)
Behold Now, Bless the Lord (SATB or SA/TB and organ, 410-870)
Best seller! Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Two-part and organ, 410-652)
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus (White, Two-part, organ, 405-144, Mod. easy)
New! Deo Gratias! (Adam lay ybounden) (David Ashley White, Two-part, kybd., 405-200, Mod. easy)
Earth Has Many a Noble City (Two-part choir and organ, 405-322)
Forgive Our Sins As We Forgive (Two-part choir and keyboard, 410-611)
God, Your Glory Fills the Earth (David Ashley White, Unison/two-pt., organ, opt. cong., 415-927, Mod. easy)
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (Two-part, keyboard, opt. flute/violin, 405-236)
Into the Woods My Master Went (David Ashley White, Two-part, kybd., 405-477, Mod. easy)
The Kingdom of Love (Two-part, flute or recorder, keyboard, percussion, 405-128, Mod. easy)
No More a Stranger or a Guest (White, Two-pt., C inst., bells or kybd., 410-833, Mod. easy)
New! O Christ the Healer (David Ashley White, Two-part, kybd., 410-623, Mod. easy)
Sing, My Soul (David Ashley White, Two-part, organ, 410-653, Mod. easy)
Tide of Angels (White, Two-part and handbells, mod. diff., 405-279)
What Star Is This (Praetorious, arr. White, Two-pt. choir, organ, opt. cong., 405-344, Easy)
Wherefore, O Maker (White, Two-part, oboe/C inst., organ, 420-515)
Alleluia, Song of Gladness (David Ashley White, SAB/SATB, bells, perc., 405-525, Mod. easy)
And His Gifts (David Ashley White, SAB, organ, 410-521, Mod. easy)
God Be in My Head (David Ashley White, SAB a cappella, 410-356, Mod. easy)
Lord, for Thy Tender Mercies Sake (David Ashley White, SAB, a cappella, 420-239, Mod. easy)
Lord Jesus, Make Me Holy (David Ashley White, SAB, a cappella, 420-240, Mod. easy)
New! Maria Walks Amid the Thorn (David Ashley White, SAB, organ, 405-226, Mod. easy)
Best seller! Promised Land (David Ashley White, SAB, kybd., flute, percussion, opt. cong., 425-817, Mod. easy)
New! Sweet Was the Song (David Ashley White, SAB a cappella, 405-225, Mod. easy)
Alleluia, Song of Gladness (David Ashley White, SAB/SATB, bells, perc., 405-525, Mod. easy)
Amarillo Canticles, The (Magnificat and Nunc dimittis) (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 410-944, Difficult)
Best seller! Amazing Grace (SATB, oboe/C inst., organ, 420-733)
Are You Weary of Your Burden (David Ashley White, SATB, violin or kybd., 420-365 Mod. easy)
As Panting Deer (SATB and organ, 410-842)
Away in a Manger (David Ashley White, SATB, kybd., flute/oboe, violin, 405-238, Mod. easy)
Behold, He Came (Mixed voices and keyboard, 405-208)
Behold Now, Bless the Lord (SATB or SA/TB and organ, 410-870)
Be Thou My Vision (David Ashley White, SATB, kybd., 410-625, Mod. easy)
Bright the Cloud (White, SATB, organ, opt. brass quartet, 415-804)
Christians, We Have Met to Worship (SATB and keyboard, 410-621)
Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (David Ashley White, SATB, org., opt. children, opt. cong., brass, 425-863, Mod. diff.)
New! Christ Is the Day (David Ashley White, SATB, organ/kybd., 405-120, Mod. easy)
Christ, Who Knows All His Sheep (David Ashley White, SATB and organ, 420-148, Mod. easy)
Come Away to the Skies (White, SATB a cappella, 405-555, Mod. diff.)
Come Down, O Love Divine (White, SATB, tpt. organ, opt. cong., 405-619, Mod. easy)
Come, Holy Spirit (White, SATB, organ, flute, 405-659, Mod. easy)
Come, Pure Hearts (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, opt. fl., bells, 420-382, Mod. easy)
New! Come, thou Long-Expected Jesus (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 405-145, Mod. easy)
Comfort, Comfort Ye My People (Mixed voices a cappella, 405-152)
Deo Gracias: Fauxbourdon Harmonizations (SATB, 415-702)
New! Easter Fanfare (White, SATB, organ, opt. brass quartet, timp., 405-556, Mod. easy)
Fairest Lord Jesus (White, SATB a cappella, 420-235, Mod. easy)
God So Loved the World (SATB a cappella, 410-516)
Happy Are All Who Fear the Lord (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, oboe, opt. cong., 410-828, Mod. easy)
Hilariter (The Whole Bright World Rejoices Now) (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, flute, finger cymbals, 405-511, Mod. difficult)
Holy Spirit, Revive Your Church (SATB and organ, 405-636)
Hope Is the Harrowing (SATB and keyboard, 420-622)
How Many Wonders (David Ashley White, SATB and organ, 410-656, Mod. easy)
A Hymn of Glory (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 405-526, Mod. easy)
Is a Murmuring Dove Nearby (SATB and organ, 405-251, Mod. easy)
New! I Sought the Lord (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 410-377, Mod. easy)
It Came upon the Midnight Clear (SATB, keyboard, opt. cong., 405-268)
New! I Will Sing and Make Melody (David Ashley White, SATB a capella, 410-121, Mod. easy)
Jubilate (Psalm 100) (SATB and organ, 410-810, Difficult) Psalm 100
New! King of Glory, King of Peace (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, opt. Tpt., opt. Handbells, 418-625, Mod. easy)
A New Creation (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 420-121, Mod. easy)
O Heavenly Word (SATB a cappella, 405-117)
O Magnum Mysterium (White, SATB a cappella, 405-219, Diff.)
O Splendor of God's Glory Bright (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 420-322, Mod. diff.)
O Thou Who-/Your Statutes Are My Songs (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 410-451, Mod. easy)
Our Help Comes From the Lord (SATB, brass quintet, and organ, 410-663)
Our Holy Tribute, This (SATB a cappella, 410-627)
Over the Waves of Words (White, SATB, organ, 410-812, Mod. easy)
New! Palmer Canticles (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 410-950, Mod. diff.)
New! Palmer Preces and Responses (David Ashley White, SATB a cappella, 410-949, Mod. diff.)
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, brass quartet, opt. cong., 425-865, Mod. easy)
Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 410-806, Mod. diff.)
Preces and Responses (David Ashley White, SATB, cantor, and organ, 410-955, Mod. easy)
The Rain and Snow (David Ashley White, SATB, flute or violin, 410-535, Mod. easy)
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us (White, SATB, organ, 420-249, Mod. easy)
New! See, Amid the Winter's Snow (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 405-232, Mod. easy)
Set Me As a Seal (White, SATB, kybd., 410-528, Mod. diff.)
Something New/Psalm 23 (David Ashley White, SATB, C inst., 410-802, Mod. easy)
Spirit, Moving Over Chaos (David Ashley White, Chorus, oboe/C inst., perc., opt. bells, Mod. easy)
Star in the East (SATB, organ, opt. percussion, 405-316)
New! Teach Me, O Lord (White, SATB, organ, 410-539, Mod. easy)
Te Deum (David Ashley White, SATB, organ 410-935 Difficult)
Tell the News! (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 405-564, Mod. easy)
The Call (SATB and organ, 418-606)
The Lord My Shepherd (SATB, oboe or C inst., organ, 410-823)
New! There Is No Rose of Such Virtue (David Ashley White, SATB, a cappella, 405-277, Mod. easy)
There's a Wideness in God's Mercy (SATB and organ, 420-243)
This Is a Day of New Beginnings (SATB, organ, opt. cong., 425-871, Mod. diff.)
Thy Holy Wings (David Ashley White, SATB, kybd., 410-309, Mod. easy)
To Thee, O Comforter Divine (David Ashley White, SATB and organ, 405-632, Mod. easy)
True Anointed One (SATB and organ, 405-388)
Two Fragments from Song of Solomon (White, SATB and piano, 222-221)
Upward Call, The (White, SATB, organ, 410-523)
Voice of Joy (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 410-890, Mod. easy)
When Peace, Like a River (David Ashley White, SATB, keybd., 420-139, Mod. easy)
Where Is This Stupendous Stranger (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 405-260, Mod. easy)
New! With a Shining Like the Sun (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, opt. brass quintet, timp., and cong., 415-925, Difficult)
Without the Fire (SATB and organ, 410-275)
Wondrous Majesty (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 405-230, Mod. easy)
Your Love, O God/Sweet Is the Day (David Ashley White, SATB, organ, 410-881, Mod. easy)
Alleluia (SSAATTBB, 410-931)
Echoes of the American Cathedral: Music of David Ashley White
