Anthem texts
Since we by sin have lost our God,
we seek creation through;
and vainly strive for solid bliss,
in trying something new.
The new possessed, like fading flowers,
soon loses its bright hue;
the bubble now no longer stays,
the soul wants something new.
If we had colonies in space,
and cities on the moon,
the mind would feel an aching void,
and still want something new.
But when we feel the power of Christ,
all good in him we view;
the soul forsakes all vain pursuits,
in Christ finds something new.
And every year since Jesus’ birth
has shown this word is true:
all those who turn to him will find
that Christ is always new!
--Anonymous text from The Southern Harmony (1854), adapt. Richard Leach, 1991
© 2000 Selah Publishing Co., Inc.
Psalm 23
The Lord my God my shepherd is;
how could I want or need?
In pastures green, by streams serene,
he safely does me lead.
To wholeness he restores my soul
and does in mercy bless,
and helps me take for his Name’s sake
the paths of righteousness.
Yes, even when I must pass
through the valley of death’s shade,
I will not fear, for you are here,
to comfort and to aid.
You have in grace my table spread
secure in all alarms,
and filled my cup, and raised me up
in everlasting arms.
Then surely I can trust your love
for all the days to come,
that I may tell your praise,
and dwell for ever in your arms,
–Psalm 23, para. F. Bland Tucker