Composer David Ashley White
Text Frances Ridley Havergal, 1872
Voicing SATB, organ
Topics Holy Spirit, Pentecost
Price $1.95 (U.S.)
Released 3/10
Catalog no. 405-632
Difficulty Mod. easy
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The familiar text of Havergal is illuminated in this easy anthem based on White's original hymn tune ST. BARTHOLOMEW THE GREAT. The tune is presented in unison in the first stanza, set in four parts in the second, and in unison with a descant in the last.
To Thee, O Comforter divine,
for all Thy grace and pow'r benign,
sing we alleluia! Alleluia!
To Thee, whose faithful love had place
in God's great covenant of grace,
sing we alleluia! Alleluia!
To Thee, whose faithful pow'r doth heal,
enlighten, sanctify, and seal,
sing we alleluia! Alleluia!
To Thee, by Jesus Christ sent down,
of all his gifts the sume and crown,
sing we alleluia! Alleluia!
--Frances Ridley Havergal, 1872 |

"Whether in deliberate homage or by a curious coincidence, David Ashley White's tune for this fine nineteenth-century Pentecost hymn bears the title, 'St. Bartholomew the Great' (whereas David McKinley Willisams' tune, no. 514 in The Hymnal 1982, is simply, 'St. Bartholomew's'). White's tune, from some years ago, was itself already metrically flexible in its response to the flow of the text, and this expansion into anthem form takes that further, varying the metrical response stanza by stanza (all four are set here, runing mostly unison, a2, a4, and unison with descant). The accompaniment suggests a solo reed: enjoy, or beware!" --AAM Journal, February 2011