Composer David Ashley White
Author Latin, 12th cent.; tr. Robert Campbell, 1850, alt
Voicing SATB, organ, opt. flute and handbells
Scripture Genesis 2:10
Price $2.00 (U.S.)
Released 6/11
Catalog no. 420-382 Difficulty Mod. easy
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Come, pure hearts, in sweetest measure
sing of those who spread the treasure
in the holy Gos-pels shrined;
blessed tidings of salvation,
peace on earth their proclamation,
love, from God to lost mankind.
See the rivers four that gladden,
with their streams, the better Eden
planted by our Lord most dear;
Christ the fountain, these the waters;
drink, O Sion’s sons and daughters,
drink, and find salvation here.
O that we, thy truth confessing,
and thy holy word possessing,
Jesus, may thy love adore;
unto thee our voices raising,
thee with all thy ransomed praising,
ever and forevermore.
-- Latin, 12th cent.; tr. Robert Campbell, 1850, alt

This easy anthem is based on one of David Ashley White’s original hymn tunes (MARGARET), which has a gentle and truly graceful flow. Optional flute and handbells may be added to the organ accompaniment. Particularly well-suited to smaller choirs or a summer service.
"This easy and pleasing anthem, on the hymn for Evangelists [No. 244 in The Hymnal 1982], is based on a hymn tune by the composer. Parishes with an Evangelist as their patron saint might find this particularly useful. The bell part (printed in the vocal score) requires just 8 bells, playing in longish notes. The flute part, also in the vocal copy, doubles or replaces a solo line in the organist's right hand. The vocal parts run mostly in unison, with some sectional solos and mild 2-voice passages; even the third and final stanza, scored as if in four parts, finds the voices moving in octaves." --AAM Journal, Oct. 2011