David Ashley White
Text Carl P. Daw, Jr.
Voicing SATB, organ
Topics Epiphany, Christian Life
Lectionary usage Epiphany
Price $2.00 (U.S.)
Length 2' 45" Released 6/96
Catalog no. 405-388
Difficulty Mod. easy
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An energetic setting of a startling text by Carl Daw. Appropriate for more than the season of Epiphany, it tells of the "True Anointed One," Christ, and Peter, and how Christians must always have a searching faith. Moderately difficult, with an independent and substantial organ part.
Let kings and prophets yield their name
to Jesus, true Anointed One,
for whom a nation looked in hope
yet failed to see that God
had done a strange and unexpected thing:
God sent a servant, not a king.
But God reveals to searching faith
the truths that pious dogmas hide:
when Jesus asked the twelve his name,
blunt Peter stepped forth and replied
in words that seemed both right and odd:
"You are the Messiah, Son of God."
Give us, O God, the grace to know
the limits of our certainty:
help us, like Peter, to declare
the still-unfolding mystery
of One who reigns though sacrificed,
our Lamb and Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
Text: Carl P. Daw, Jr., 1986.
© 1990 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, Ill. 60188 (for permission to reprint this text contact Hope at 800.323.1049-www.hopepublishing.com). All rights reserved.

"White makes another excellent text by Carl P. Daw, Jr. spring to life in this vigorous amplification of the message of Epiphany-that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of God, the favored One, the true anointed One. The vocal writing in this anthem has a rugged confidence like our rhythmic chorales. The wonderfully colorful organ accompaniment, with its spiky eights and emphatic punctuations is integral to the overall regal quality. The amazing paradox "God did an unexpected thingGod sent a servant, not a king," sets up the quiet, rich, broad lines of the middle section which concludes with Peter's blunt confession "You Are Messiah, Son of God." It could be sung just about any time during the Epiphany season, which may be good news if you get a slow start after Christmas. Any SATB choir should be able to comfortably handle this excellent addition to your library. Highly recommended." Cross Accent, July 1997.
"Any text by Carl Daw makes me pause when I am reading through new music for consideration. Carl's texts are always so 'meaty,' and this one is no exception. (The anthem was commissioned by our colleague Thom Robertson for an AAM regional conference in Texas.) The text is appropriate for Proper 16, Year A, for which I have used it a number of times, a nice alternative or addition to Tu es Petrus, which many of us program for the day's Gospel. David Ashley White has composed a vigorous and harmonically interesting setting, making demands on the choir, and including a small lovely a cappella section that precedes the 'You are Messiah' answer to Jesus' question. I have also used the anthem on Good Shepherd Sunday after Easter as the text concludes with 'Jesus Christ, our Lamb and Shepherd.' White's music enhances and underlines the important text, truly illuminating Daw's words on the Gospel text. The music is not an'easy read' although it looks deceptively simple. It is tricky in spots, but as it is learned, appropriate feeling and drama can be added for impact as a part of worship." --Judy Dodge, AAM Journal, December 2002 |