David Ashley White
Text Carl P. Daw, Jr.
Voicing Two-part choir, flute or recorder, keyboard or harp, percussion
Lectionary usage Advent, Palm Sunday, Christ the King
Price $2.75 (U.S.)
Length 2' 10" Released 7/99
Catalog no. 405-128
Difficulty Mod. easy
Discography Praise the Spirit: Sacred Music of David Ashley White (Gothic Rcords, 520-254)
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Based on Daw's paraphrase of the messianic prophecy in Isaiah 35, this anthem is well-suited for use in Advent, on Palm Sunday, and the feast of Christ the King. Originally written for women's voices, it may be sung by any two-part choir, and includes parts for flute/recorder, and percussion instruments. The keyboard part may be played on harp.
Make straight in the desert a highway;
prepare the way of the Lord:
let mountains and hills bow in reverence
and valleys rise up for their King.
In joy shall the wilderness blossom,
and streams through the desert be poured;
the eyes of the blind shall be opened,
and tongues that were silent shall sing.
Break forth into singing, O Zion,
your King is coming to you.
Jerusalem, shout with rejoicing,
he comes to redeem you from fear.
For God shall bring peace and abundance,
your praise and renown to renew;
prepare to receive your salvation:
the promised Redeemer is near.
The reign of the Lord will be gracious,
its blessings ever will last;
for then will God bring to fulfillment
the promise of peace from above.
All creatures will prosper together,
to plowshares all swords will be cast:
earth's people will find their true freedom
in God's perfect Kingdom of Love.
- Carl P. Daw, Jr., 1985
©1990 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, Ill. 60188 (for permission to reprint this text contact Hope at 800.323.1049-www.hopepublishing.com). All rights reserved.

"David Ashley White's The Kingdom of Love is a strophic setting of David's original folk-style tune on a wonderful Advent text by Carl Daw. The voice parts are simple without being simplistic, and the accompaniment of flute, finger cymbals, tambourine, bells, harp (or keyboard), and side drum adds interest without predictability. This music is an excellent addition to the treble Advent repertory on an eminently useful version of familiar images from Isaiah 35 and 40. The first time I heard the deceptive cadence at the end of Stanza 1 (D minor:VI 6/3-V 6/3 of III-III) I was not convinced; its return at the end of stanza 2 helped, but it was the final authentic cadence (with Picardy Third) which made it work. I would add a cautionary F-natural to the flute part in m. 34."--AAM Journal, July/August 2001
"A madrigal style anthem in 6/4 is a great way to have set this joyous Isaiah 40-inspired text by Carl P. Daw, Jr. The introduction begins with finger cymbals and a hand drum, soon joined by a flute or recorder giving the tune in full. upon the entrance of the choir, a keyboard part also enters, accompanying with chords mostly derived from open fifths, while the flute doubles the voices at the octave. At the third stanza, the choir sings in a two-part canon, the flute doubling the first part. This texture is maintained and drives to the end. This piece was commissioned by the Kantorei Women's Choir of Mayde Creek High School in Houston, Texas. A separate part for flute is included at the back of each octavo." --The Hymn, October 2001 |