Composer Austin C. Lovelace
Text Timothy Dudley-Smith
Voicing SATB, keyboard
Price $1.95 (U.S.)
Released 6/10
Catalog no. 405-202 Difficulty Mod. easy

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A new Christmas text by Timothy Dudley-Smith receives an upbeat setting in this work, one of the final compositions by the distinguished composer Austin C. Lovelace. This anthem would be particularly suitable for a Christmas Eve or Christmas Day service when rehearsal time may be short. The homophonic choral textures are supported throughout by the organ part.

"Among the later compositions of the venerable Austin C. Lovelace, who died last spring [2010], are settings of carol-texts by Bishop Timothy Dudley-Smith. The Glory of Christmas is in three stanzas, with varied musical settings; the text draws some nice images and phrases from the familiar array of symbols and signs. The setting is lively, even a little jumpy; it flits from key to key somewhat restlessly, but not without some nice effects arising from these changes." --AAM Journal, October 2010
A glory fills the midnight sky
and splendors blaze a broad,
a herald sent from God on high,
the angel of the Lord;
the shepherds tremble at his voice
and terror-struck are dumb,
but at his news let earth rejoice,
her promised King has come.
And in the East a shining star,
a portent to the wise,
will lead the Magi from afar
to where the Savior lies;
for each has come a king to see
and each his treasure brings
to where, enthroned on Mary's knee,
they find the King of kings.
This homeless child to shepherds shown
an infant king newborn
has come to make a cross his throne,
his crown a crown of thorn;
the Son of God to save us all,
to bear our earthly pains,
thhis child within the cattle stall
as King of glory reigns!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
--Timothy Dudley-Smith, 2009
Text © 2009 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, IL 60188. All rights reserved. Used by permission. www.hopepublishing.com