Craig Phillips
Text Numbers 6:24-26
Voicing SATB, a cappella
Topics Benediction, Close of Worship
Lectionary Usage Holy Name ABC
Price $2.00 (U.S.)
Length 1' 30" Released 1/20
Catalog no. 410-178
Difficulty Mod. easy
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The Lord bless, you,
the Lord keep you,
the Lord lift his countenance upon you
and give you peace;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious unto you.
Number 6:24-26

Craig Phillips has crafted a beautiful setting of the familiar benediction from the book of Numbers ("The Lord bless you and keep you..."). Each choral part moves expressively with Phillips's rich harmonic language, finally settling into a soaring, contrapuntal "Amen. |