Composer David Hurd
Released 2/2021
Use Instrumental
Length 6' 00"
Difficulty Moderately diff.
Catalog no. 160-370
Price $9 (U.S.)
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David Hurd’s fantasia on the beloved American hymn tune WONDROUS LOVE begins and ends with a flowing flute bicinium over the melody on a 4’ stop in the pedal. The middle sections explore some varied textures, including the tune in canon. An excellent and atmospheric prelude or recital selection. Originally published in the collection Let All That Hath Breath, an organ volume in honor of the Association of Anglican Musicians 50th anniversary.
Learn more about Let All That Hath Breath:


"Previously published in The Association of Anglican Musicians' fiftieth-anniversary collection, Let All That Hath Breath, this rich yet transparent piece is now available separately. An initial dialogue between flute stops accompanies the hymn tune in the pedal at four-foot pitch. Two short variations follow, with a minor climax before a gentle canon at the fourth. A second brief climax provides textural and dynamic contrast before a shortened recapitulation of the opening. This is an active and engaging work that nevertheless captures the reflective mood of the hymn. The tonal language is contemporary but accessible to the average listener. At approximately six minutes in length, it would be effective for liturgy or recital." --AAM Journal, May/June 2023