Composer Craig Phillips
Text Edwin Hatch (1835-1889)
Voicing SATB a cappella
Topic Christian Life, Holy Spirit, Easter Vigil, Ordination
Scripture references Ezekiel 36:26-27
Lectionary Usage Easter Vigil ABC
Price $1.40 (U.S.)
Length 2' 10" Released 6/14
Catalog no. 405-605
Difficulty Mod. easy
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Anthem text
Breathe on me, breath of God,
fill me with life anew,
that I may love what thou dost love,
and do what thou wouldst do.
Breathe on me, breath of God,
until my heart is pure,
until with thee I will one will,
to do and to endure.
Breathe on me, breath of God,
till I am wholly thine,
till all this earthly part of me
glows with Thy fire divine.
Breathe on me, breath of God,
So shall I never die,
But live with Thee the perfect life
Of Thine eternity.
--Edwin Hatch (1835-1889), alt.

Description Subtitled “a choral hymn,” this work is a simple strophic setting of the familiar text. Intended for choral rather than congregational singing, it could be performed either unaccompanied or with keyboard, or in combination for the various verses.
" 'Breathe on Me, Breath of God' was, according to the score, written for the use of the choir of All Saints', Beverly Hills, at the Easter Vigil, presumably within the baptismal rite. A simple 3/4 hymn texture incorporates rich harmonies and steady motion for an attractive setting. All four verses share the same music, with Phillips providing instructions for variations in dynamic on each verse." --AAM Journal, Jan. 2016 |