Biblical Sketches for Organ and Trumpet - - David Schelat

Composer David Schelat
Price $16 (U.S.) Released 6/2015
Use Offertory, Funerals
Difficulty Mod. easy/Mod. diff.
Catalog no. 160-924

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This work for trumpet and organ was commissioned for the 2015 Pittsburgh Mid-Atlantic Regional Convention of the American Guild of Organists. The two movements explore very contrasting moods, forming either an effective concert diptych or a prelude and postlude for services. The first movement is a quiet rhapsody depicting creation emerging from the earth “without form and void.” The hymn tune BUNESSAN makes subtle appearances. The second movement depicts David’s dance before the ark in a rondo of energetic praise. Though the first movement in particular requires great expressive musicianship, the diptych is only of moderate difficulty overall, and the trumpet part does not go above an A--making it useful for amateur or professional players alike.




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