Craig Phillips
Text Psalm 100; para. William Kethe (d. 1608)
Voicing SATB, organ
Lectionary usage Proper 6(11)A, Proper 29(34)A [Christ the King], Thanksgiving Day Year C
Topics Doxology, Mercy, Praise & Adoration
Price $2.95 (U.S.)
Length 6' 00" Released 6/92
Catalog no. 410-638
Difficulty Mod. diff.
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The familiar text of the Doxology (William Kethe’s paraphrase of Psalm 100) serves as the inspiration for this anthem. The work is animated by festive music in triple meter with Phillips’s characteristic extended tonal harmonies. For the final verse, the traditional OLD 100TH doxology melody appears for a joyous conclusion.
All people that on earth do dwell,
sing to the Lord with cheerful voice:
serve with mirth, his praise forth tell,
come before him and rejoice!
Know that the Lord is God indeed;
without our aid he did us make,
we are his folk he doth us feed,
and for his sheep he doth us take.
O enter then his gates with praise,
approach with joy his courts unto;
praise, laud, and bless his Name always,
for it is seemly so to do.
For why? The Lord our God is good,
his mercy is forever sure;
his truth at all times firmly stood,
and shall from age to age endure.
To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
the God whom heaven and earth adore,
from men and from the angel host
be praise and glory evermore.
--Psalm 100, para. William Kethe

"Psalm 100 as translated by William Kethe (d. 1608), originally for the Anglo-Genevan Psalter (complete with its doxology), is fitted with dancing, joyful music. Phillips writes extremely well for the organ and the vigorous accompaniment is full of sparkling personality. Vocal textures favor unison or two-part (usually soprano-tenor against alto-bass) passages with four-part harmony occurring at the ends of phrases. Each stanza of the Psalm receives a slightly different musical treatment accompanied by a change of key (except for the last stanza’s doxology). The result feels something like an extended work, although the scope of the anthem is still modest enough for a typical offertory placement within liturgy. The doxology uses the melody of Old 100th in the soprano, and its key of D major offers sopranos a chance for a melodic high A to crown the penultimate phrase. The music is of medium difficulty, well within the grasp of most parish choirs. The accompaniment is extremely well designed and would work well for a combined organist-choir director. The spare registration indications assume a three-manual instrument, yet the accompaniment would work well on organs of all sizes." --AAM Journal, April 2022 |