Alan Lewis
Text William Blake
Voicing SATB, a cappella
Topics Baptism, General usage
Length 2' 30" Price $2.00 (U.S.)
Released 4/24 Cat. no. 405-423
Difficulty Mod. difficult
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Anthem text
Little lamb, who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?
Gave thee life and bid thee feed
by the stream and o'er the mead;
gave thee clothing of delight,
softest clothing, wooly bright;
gave thee such a tender voice,
making all the vales rejoice.
Little lamb who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?
Little lamb, I'll tell thee;
little lamb, I'll tell thee.
He is called by thy name.
For he calls himself a lamb.
He is meek and he is mild;
he became a little child.
I a child and thou a lamb;
we are called by his name.
Little lamb, God bless thee;
little lamb God bless thee.
--William Blake, 1789

William Blake’s poem "The Lamb" (from his Songs of Innocence and Experience) has inspired numerous composers over the years. Alan Lewis's beautiful, homophonic setting is in strict four parts (until the final chord) and moves carefully through colorful harmonic areas. |