Composer Margaret Burk
Text 1662 Book of Common Prayer
Voicing SATB, a cappella
Topics Evensong
Price $2.50 (U.S.)
Released 9/2021
Catalog no. 410-952
Difficulty Mod. difficult
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A rich and rewarding set of Preces and Responses from Margaret Burk. Commissioned for David Hill and the Yale Schola Cantorum, it was featured at the 2021 Association of Anglican Musician conference evensong, performed by the schola of Washington National Cathedral.

"This extremely strong set of responses was written for David Hill and the Yale Schola Cantorum, which accounts for Burk's freedom in writing adventurous harmonies and challenging lines. All voice parts divide from time to time, yet a four-voice texture typifies the context. Burk strikes a nearly perfect balance between repeating musical gestures, achieving unity, and introducing new material, avoiding monotony. Accomplished choirs will gladly add this to their Evensong repertoire." --AAM Journal, Nov./Dec. 2022