Author Richard Leach
Released 2/24
Catalog no.125-428E
Price $16 (U.S.) |
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Fortunately for the church, Richard Leach continues to add to his body of hymns for the use in worship, and Enough for All collects hymns written since his last major collections of texts. Includes 36 new texts and 28 hymns first published in various other collections. Many are written for a particular Sunday's lectionary readings, and others are useful with various themes and readings. Includes extensive indexes, including a lectionary index, and notes.
Introduction by the author
This book presents new hymns written or brought into their current form in 2021 and 2022. Along with them are texts first published with music in The Sower Comes Again (2016) and Soul Becomes a Song (2020). So Enough for All provides a sequel to my previous comprehensive collections, Tuned for Your Sake and Banquet Without Walls. The new texts are a resource for composers and editors. Some have already been set to music, and I look forward to publishing more of them with music.
The previously published texts are in alphabetical order in the book’s second part. The new texts are ordered according to the Bible passages they are based on, from Exodus to the Psalms to the Gospels. In several cases there is more than one text on the same Bible passage.
Some of these hymns will only work when the Bible passage they are based on has been heard. They are not generic hymns of praise or doctrine or what-have-you. That may seem a limitation, but I believe that the satisfaction of having a song that is exactly right for a certain Sunday makes up for it. And when one reaches a certain age the lectionary’s repetition of passages every three years does not seem all that infrequent.
Hymns with a wider focus are here as well. I have included notes on selected hymns, when I thought it would be helpful or interesting.
Richard Leach
Stamford, Connecticut
January 11, 2024