Annabel Rooney
Text Philippians 4:4, Job 38:7, Psalms
Voicing SATB, kybd.
Topic Creation, Praise and Adoration
Price $2.75 (U.S.)
Released 8/23
Cat. no. 405-505
Difficulty Mod. Easy
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This anthem of rejoicing has a text inspired by Philippians 4:4, Job 38:7, and the Psalms. A dancing triple-meter accompaniment runs through (best rendered on the piano, although organ is also possible).
Anthem text
Rejoice, I say, again and alway,
Rejoice in the Lord alway.
The morning stars sing together,
the people of God shout for joy!
The rose of the morning lightens the sky.
Rejoice in the Lord alway.
The risen sun warms the earth,
creation is bathed in its light.
All things exult in the gold of the noonday.
Rejoice in the Lord alway.
Rejoice, I say, again and alway,
Rejoice in the Lord alway.
The moon and the stars
he has set on their course,
the heavens declare his glory.
His jewels he has placed
on the garment of night.
Rejoice, I say, again and alway,
Rejoice in the Lord alway.
--Inspired by Phillipians 4:4; Job 38:7, and Psalms

"A breezy 7/8 meter in a jovial G minor derives much of its appeal from the casual popular idiom. An amalgam of verses revolves around the central theme of the title. The keyboard figuration is clearly pianistic (as is the range of the bass notes), although it could be adapted for the organ. Choral parts favor two-part lines with four-part harmonies often reserved for cadences. Spry points of imitation at entrances and some loose canonic operations further bind the choral parts together while the accompaniment follows its own pattern of arpeggiated harmonies. The music is not particularly challenging, yet it makes a bold statement." --AAM Journal, Jan./Feb. 2024 |