Alice Parker
Text Richard Leach
Voicing SATB, organ
Topics All Saints Day, Creeds, Funerals, Mortality
Scripture reference Revelation 8
Lectionary Usage Easter 3C
Price $2.25 (U.S.)
Length 2' 15" Released 1/2020
Catalog no. 410-693
Difficulty Mod. easy
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In this anthem, Alice Parker’s flowing music illuminates Richard Leach’s text about the stories that comprise our lives (and those stories “being lifted into song”). As always with Parker, great care is given to each individual vocal part, which carry the weight of the piece. The simply-textured organ accompaniment provides support to result in a very singable short anthem.
The stories that we live will end,
and silence take each tale,
though traces of a life, a time,
may echo for a while.
Yet more than silence waits for us;
for every tale we live
belongs to Jesus, who has made
our stories one with his.
And in the city where he reigns
new life, new time goes on;
as round the throne, the Spirit lifts
our stories into song.
–Richard Leach, 2003
© 2007 Selah Publishing Co., Inc.

"Alice Parker set Richard Leach's 2003 poem in a lackadaisical, ersatz folk style. Much of the texture is confined to three parts, with either combined soprano-alto or tenor-bass singing a melodic line against two-part accompaniment in the other voices. A flowing organ part enriches the texture, often doubling the melodic phrases. The text speaks of human existence within an eternal context, making this a fine anthem for All Saints Day or other days of remembrance. The music is not particularly difficult, so most volunteer choirs could learn it with only a little effort. Choirs of all sizes and skill levels would enjoy this gentle, attractive anthem." -- AAM Journal, May/June 2020 |