Hal H. Hopson
Hal H. Hopson is a free-lance composer and workshop leader and recently left a position at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, in Dallas, Texas. Prior to this he was organist and Minister of Music at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Nashville. He is a prolific composer with over 1300 works published, including several by Selah Publishing Co. These include "Christ is Born!," "God is Our Strong Salvation," "Mighty are Your Works," and "Sing Praise to God."
Hopson was born in Mound, Texas in 1933. He received his B.M. from Baylor University and M.S.M. from the School of Sacred Music of Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.
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Congregational Song publications
Choral octavos
God of Eve and God of Mary (Unison/two-part and keyboard, 422-724)
God of Eve and God of Mary (Unison/two-part and keyboard, 422-724)
Mighty Are Your Works (Two-part mixed, keyboard, 410-808)
From All That Dwell (Hal H. Hopson, SAB, organ, opt. tpt. & bells, opt. cong., 425-850, Mod. easy)
God Is Our Strong Salvation (SAB and keyboard, 410-531)
Blessed Jesus, at Your Word (SATB and keyboard, 410-107)
Christ Is Born! (SATB, opt. keyboard, 405-215)
God in Your Goodness (Hopson, SATB, keyboard, opt. solo, 420-267, Mod. easy)
How Firm a Foundation (Hopson, SATB, kybd., opt. bells, 410-684, Easy)
New! If You Can Walk (Hal H. Hopson, SATB, keyboard, 410-620, Mod. easy)
Lord, You Have Formed Me (SATB, soloist, and organ, 418-616)
Now Thank We All Our God (SATB and organ, 410-676)
Sing Praise to God (SATB and keyboard, 410-817)