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God of Eve and God of Mary

Composer Hal H. Hopson Text Fred Kaan
Unison or two-part and keyboard
Topics Mother's Day
1' 45"  Price $1.95 (U.S.)  Released 3/94
Catalog no. 422-724  Difficulty Moderately easy

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"Using the familiar VESPER HYMN tune for the choral part, Hopson provides one of his snappy accompaniments as well as an optional countermelody that lies well within the reach of younger choirs. Fred Kaan's text (a hymn to motherhood in the context of the Church) is the most original element, and it may make the piece useful in a number of situations." -Journal of the Association of Anglican Musicians, Nov. 94

Description A wonderful text celebrating the gift of motherhood and thanking God for mothers and the church. Hopson based this anthem on the familiar tune VESPER HYMN, and it makes for an expressive piece for children to sing that all mothers will appreciate.

Anthem text
God of Eve and God of Mary,
God of love and motherearth,
thank you for the ones who with us
shared their life and gave us birth.
As you came to earth in Jesus,
so you come to us today;
you are present in our caring
that prepares us for life's way.

Thank you, that the Church, our Mother,
gives us bread and fills our cup,
and the comfort of the Spirit
warms our hearts and lifts us up.
Thank you for belonging, shelter,
bonds of friendship, ties of blood,
and for those who have no children,
yet are parents under God.

God of Eve and God of Mary,
Christ our Brother, human Son,
Spirit, caring like a Mother,
take our love and make us one.

Fred Kaan, 1989.
©1989 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, Ill. 60188 (for permission to reprint this text contact Hope at All rights reserved.

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