J. Ahle/J.S. Bach; arr. Hal H. Hopson
Text Tobias Clausnitzer; tr. Catherine Winkworth
Voicing SATB, keyboard
Topics Introit, Opening of Worship, Word of God
Price $2.10 (U.S.)
Length 2' 20" Released 4/94
Catalog no. 410-107
Difficulty Mod. easy
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Ahle wrote the tune known as LIEBSTER JESU in 1664, J.S. Bach
harmonized and arranged the tune during his lifetime, and now
Hal Hopson has edited and arranged it for use as an effective
introit. |

Blessed Jesus, at your Word,
we are gathered all to hear you;
let our hearts and souls be stirred,
now to seek and love and fear you.
By your teachings true and holy,
drawn from earth to love you solely.
Text: Tobias Clausnitzer; tr. Catherine Winkworth |