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These anthems are Selah's best sellers from the last several years. We expect all of our titles to do well over time (we don't put choral titles out of print, ever), but these titles have been sung by thousands and thousands. They are also a good representation of what Selah publishes for the many successful church musicians who have come to trust the quality of our publications. Join our choral preview plan so that you will automatically receive copies of all our new releases (and get a 20% discount on all choral music all the time), and you will keep up on the best new choral music for churches being published today.
Selah has available a packet of these best sellers for only $13 (it's value is over $18.00!), so order online or by calling or writing Selah (it's only available directly from Selah). Order no. 410-000
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Click below on any of these titles to find out why they have been so well received (and read their good reviews as well). And you can download any of these titles by clicking on the links below and following the instructions at the bottom of each page.
Amazing Grace (David Ashley White, SATB, oboe/C inst., organ, 420-733, Mod. easy)
An Irish Blessing (Wm. C. Witherup, Unison/SATB, and keyboard or guitar, 410-132, Mod. easy)
Built on a Rock (Alec Wyton, SATB and keyboard, 410-318, Mod. easy)
The Call (David Ashley White, SATB and organ, 418-606, Mod. easy)
Christ Is Born! (Gastoldi/Hal Hopson, SATB, opt. keyboard, 405-215, Mod. easy)
Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord (Deborah Holden-Holloway, Children, Unison and keyboard, 422-731, Mod. easy)
The God of Love My Shepherd Is (Roy Hopp, SATB and organ, 418-617, Mod. diff.)
Isaiah the Prophet (Austin C. Lovelace, SAB and keyboard, 405-111, Mod. easy)
Jesus Calls Us O'er the Tumult (Deborah Holden-Holloway, SAB, recorder, percussion, 410-304, Mod. easy)
Servants of Peace (K. Lee Scott, SATB, organ, opt. cong., 425-822, Mod. easy)
A Song of Paul (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB and keyboard, 410-513, Mod. easy)
A Song to the Lamb (Don Pearson, SATB, organ, bells, opt. triangle, 410-841, Mod. easy)
There's a Wideness in God's Mercy (David Ashley White, SATB and organ, 420-243, Mod. easy)
When God's Time Had Ripened (Alfred V. Fedak, SATB and keyboard, 405-214, Mod. diff.)
Without the Fire (David Ashley White, SATB and organ, 410-275, Mod. easy) |