Donald Pearson
Text Song to the Lamb (Dignus Est)
Voicing SATB, organ, bells, opt. triangle
Lectionary Usage Christ the King ABC
Topics Communion, Creation, Lamb of God
Price $2.00 (U.S.)
Length 2' 00" Released 6/96
Catalog no. 410-841
Difficulty Mod. easy
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A bright and lively canticle setting suitable for many different times of worship. Pearson has created a modern, accessible anthem that is powerful and delightful.
Splendor and honor
and kingly pow'r are yours
by right O Lord our God.
For you created everything that is.
And by your will they were created and have their being.
And yours by right, O lamb that was slain,
for with your blood you redeemed for God,
from every family, language, people and nation,
a kingdom of priests to serve our God.
And so to him who sits upon the throne.
And to Christ the Lamb be worship and praise.
Dominion and splendor for evermore and evermore.
Text: Dignus Est from Book of Common Prayer, 1979

"I can heartily recommend this regal canticle setting for choirs of nearly any means and ability. With complete economy of resources, Pearson, choirmaster of St. John's Cathedral, Denver, has crafted a superb piece for liturgical use in a modern idiom. The text is the 'Canticle of the Lamb' from Revelation 4:11 and 5:9-10, 13. Dazzling cross-rhythms on brilliant registrations in the organ manuals, emphatic interjections by the pedals, four bells, and cymbelstern (or triangle) all contribute to the festive din over which the choir and congregation sing the song of victory: 'splendor and honor and kingly power are yours....' Its most obvious use is for Christ the King (Sunday of the Fulfillment) but it could also be effectively sung at Holy Communion during the Sundays of Easter." -Cross Accent, Spring 2002 |