Composer K. Lee Scott
Text James Quinn, based on
the Prayer of St. Francis
Voicing SATB, organ, and opt. cong., opt. brass quartet
Topics Service to Others, Christian Life, Unity, Peace
Length 3' 00" Price $2.50 (U.S.)
Released 7/94
Catalog no. 425-822 Difficulty Mod. easy
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Other editions 425-823 -Cond. Score/Inst. Parts Price $15 (U.S.)
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Anthem text
Lord, make us servants of your peace:
where there is hate, may we sow love;
where there is hurt, may we forgive;
where there is strife, may we make one.
Where all is doubt, may we sow faith;
where all is gloom, may we sow hope;
where all is night, may we sow light;
where all is tears, may we sow joy.
Jesus, our Lord, may we not seek
to be consoled, but to console,
nor look to understanding hearts,
but look for hearts to understand.
May we not look for love's return,
but seek to love unselfishly.
For in our giving we receive,
and in forgiving are forgiv'n.
Dying, we live, and are reborn
through death's dark night to endless day.
Lord, make us servants of your peace,
to wake at last in heaven's light.
Text: James Quinn based on a prayer of St. Francis of Assisi.
© James Quinn, S.J., Selah Publishing Co., Inc. North American agent. |

"I am always interested in new settings of this text, and this very easy, very learnable setting appears to be just right for a small choir or even for a children's chorus. The text is a nice adaptation of the familiar "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace." The time changes at the beginning of each verse save it from the monotony that only a lilting 3/2 meter can have. The optional brass will certainly add some distinction, even though they only double the vocal parts at times." --Pastoral Music, April-May 1996
"The classic Prayer of St. Francis is the inspiration for James Quinn's hymn 'Servants of Peace.' K. Lee Scott has provided both the tune YOUNG and the concertato setting published by Selah. The score calls for optional brass, and the parts for this are included in the conductor's score. A reproducible page for congregation is included, which may sing on four of the five stanzas." -The Hymn, October 1995
A rich and beautiful setting and paraphrase based on a prayer of St. Francis. The flowing melody is memorable and easily learned by a congregation. Not difficult for a choir to learn: there is one four-part stanza and a descant on the final stanza. Optional brass parts are available with the conductor's score (not necessary if brass isn't used). Moderately easy.