for trumpet and organ
Composer Craig Phillips
Price $12.50 (U.S.) Released 6/01
Difficulty Moderately difficult
Catalog no. 160-970
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"This piece is a wonderful alternative to the usual trumpet march wedding fare. Musically, it is more subtle, and does more interesting things (including changes in both keys and time signatures) than the usual trumpet tunes, either of the Baroque or modern variety. Once again, Craig does unexpected and interesting things with an old and shopworn form. There are, however, no cuts suggested, and since the entire piece (at ca. 5 minutes in length) would thus have to be played, it could probably be used as a processional only with larger wedding parties, or as music for several processions (say, grandparents, mothers, bridal party), or in a very large church. Thus, it may be logistically easier to use the piece as a prelude or recessional march rather than as a processional. The trumpet is required, and the part is included. The piece is not difficult, and deserves many performances. It would be excellent for a voluntary in a Sunday service, or in a concert, as well as at weddings." --AAM Journal, May/June 2002
"Tired of playing the Trumpet Voluntary at weddings? Do you despair at the thought of playing Handel's Hornpipe yet again? If you have a good trumpet player at your disposal, then add this new march to your library (it was originally commissioned as a wedding march). It follows the model of the generic trumpet tune (a primary them alternates with episodic material), but Phillips takes things a step further with imaginative key changes and rhythmically interesting melodies. Its sectionalized structure will make it easy to adapt to a processional of any length. The trumpet part is included with the organ score. Moderate in difficulty. Highly recommended." --Cross Accent, Fall 2001
Here is a welcome addition to the repertoire of ceremonial music for trumpet and organ. Multiple key changes will keep this piece interesting during those extra-long wedding processions!