Creation Sings!

Composer Austin C. Lovelace
Text Shirley Erena Murray
Voicing SATB and keyboard
Topics Music
Length 2' 25" Price $1.65 (U.S.) Released 3/03
Catalog no. 420-805 Difficulty Mod. easy
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An irrepressibly happy song of thanks for the gift of music. Immediately singable by any choir of mixed voices.
Creation sings! and we are in the music,
the movement of God's energy and art,
a liturgy that links our life to angels,
a litany that rises from the heart.
The Spirit sings! Through love and lamentation,
from Pentecost to joy of Easter day
the universe is resonant with music,
the smallest creature dances to her play.
Creation groans at our discordant clashing:
the Spirit comes with music as our friend
to bring the harmony of peace and beauty,
to teach the textures of the way to blend.
O God you draw the melody from silence,
you make of us the instruments of song!
We offer thanks in worship and in wonder
that such a gift to human souls belong.
--Shirley Erena Murray, 2000
© 2005 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, Ill. 60188 (for permission to reprint this text contact Hope at All rights reserved.