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"Christopher Putnam's 'O God of Peace' on the beautiful collect by John Wallace Suter, Jr., is a bit more demanding, but it is an ideal third-collect anthem at Evensong for choirs that delight in close dissonance and shimmering consonance." --AAM Journal, September 2002
A brief but powerful motet, poignantly invoking the presence of the God of peace. Putnam's harmonic language is sophisticated and highly expressive, yet the individual vocal lines are well within the capability of the average choir. Very effective as a Call to Worship, Call to Prayer, or as a communion motet.
O God of peace,
who hast taught us that in returning and rest, we shall be saved,
in quietness and confidence shall be our strength:
by the might of thy Spirit lift us, we pray thee,
to thy presence, that we may be still and know that thou art God:
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
--John Wallace Suter