Saved By a Touch

Composer Paul Bouman
Text Walter J. Bartling, after Mark 5:25-34
Voicing SATB chorus a cappella, optional Soprano and Baritone solo
Topics Faith, Healing, Life of Christ
Length 1' 10" Price $1.25 (U.S.) Released 10/02
Catalog no. 410-561 Difficulty Mod. easy
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"This is a hauntingly beautiful setting of the healing story found in the fifth chapter of Mark's Gospel. Its structure is quite simple. The text of each of the three verses begins with a series of questions--e.g. 'Who was it, Lord, that touched you?' --sung by a soloist or small group, which are then answered by the entire choir in parts. There is no meter marking, rendering the flowing melodies free and chant-like. The tessitura of each part is comfortable. One strength is that the choir need learn only one verse, as they sing virtually the same part on each verse. Even though this story only appears once in the three-year Sunday Lectionary (Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B), this piece would be appropriate for any liturgy of healing." -Pastoral Music, Oct. 2009.
A brief, unaccompanied meditation on Mark 5:25-34. In responsorial fashion (between soloists and choir), the piece eloquently expresses our need for faith, health, and wholeness. Simple, direct, and heartfelt.
Who was it, Lord, that touched you?
Who ventured from the crowd?
Who was it brushed your garment
at risk of shame untold?
Let it be me, Lord Jesus,
who dares the touch of faith,
let me move in your shadow
through bound'ry lands of death.
Who was it felt your power
transmitted by a touch?
Who, Lord, in gently brushing,
resisted need to clutch?
May I today, Lord, boldly
in presence of your saints,
touch you by proud confession
and bare my heart's complaints.
Who was it heard the promise
of health in sins forgiven?
Who found your garment's hemline
convey the grace of heaven?
Today, let it be me, Lord,
who feels your saving power.
Let me--faith simply yielded--
find healing in this hour.
--Walter J. Bartling, after Mark 5:25-34
© 2008 Selah Publishing Co., Inc.