Austin C. Lovelace
Text Emma Barnard, based on Luke 24:13-32
Voicing SATB, opt. keyboard
Topic Communion, Easter
Price $1.85 (U.S.)
Released 6/05
Cat. no. 410-391
Difficulty Mod. Easy
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The poem, by Emma Barnard, on which this piece is based, takes as its point of departure the story from Luke 24, where the risen Christ walks beside his disciples unrecognized until they break bread together. Thus the work will serve well both as an Eastertide anthem, or as a communion motet at any time. Austin Lovelace's treatment of the text is simple, sensitive, and lovely.

Anthem text
'Twas in the breaking of the bread,
just common daily bread
they knew their Lord.
They were so blind they failed to find him
in sad events that crashed their world about them.
But at the quiet close of day
he walked beside them in the way;
and as they sat about that simple board
they knew their Lord.
O Master, open thou our eyes
that we, like them in glad surprise
may see thee in the simple things of every day,
and find thee on our way.
'Twas in the breaking of the bread,
just common daily bread
they knew their Lord.
--Emma R. Barnard,
based on Luke 24:13-32
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