Composer Craig Phillips
Text Eleanor Farjeon
Voicing Unison, kybd., opt. second part
Church Season Advent
Topics Justice, Peace
Price $2.75 (U.S.)
Length 2' 05" Released 6/95
Catalog no. 405-103 Difficulty Mod. easy
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This text by the author of Morning Has Broken is a joyful and appropriate Advent text, and Phillips setting of the French Besançon carol matches that joy. His varied accompaniments, interludes, and optional descant give it a spirit of joyful anticipation. Easy adult, or for children's choir.

"Craig Phillips's delightful setting of the Besançon Carol People, Look East is a model of its genre. The organ part is finely constructed, the descant really arises from the tune, and the original is enhanced rather than exploited. This is highly recommended for use with treble choirs. It was clear from the enthusiastic response to both this and to Russell Schulz-Widmar's Mary Said Yes that they were high moments in the recent AAM Conference's reading session with David Schaap." --AAM Journal, September 1995
"This delightful French carol is charmingly set with a lovely lilt and some nice harmonic touches in the accompaniment." --The American Organist, April 1996