Jon Pickard
Jon Pickard (1944-2006) was self-employed as an International Development Consultant, in Washington, D.C. He was born in Leicester, England, and studied piano and cello. He studied organ under Dr. Rudge, the organist at Leicester Cathedral. His academic degreees were in Architecture, Civic Design and Urban Planning. Pickard became a U.S. resident in 1968. His first choral works were published in 1985. He then composed additional choral music, liturgical responsories, anthems, hymns and secular songs. He wrote 5 full-length jazz musicals (all premiered at St. Columba's Epicopal Church in Washington D.C.). Principal premiere performances have been at the Kennedy Center, the Washington National Cathedral, and St. Martin in the Fields, Philadelphia. He was an active member of the Choral Arts Society of Washington, and was a founding member of the Baltimore Oratorio Society.
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