Elizabeth Brodeen
Elizabeth Brodeen, now a retired church musician, was Organist and Director of Music at the First Congregational Church in Stratford, Conn. (5 choirs) and the Stratford Oratorio Choir ( 110 voices), from 1983-1993. Prior to that she was the organist/ music director in various other churches in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Iowa. She currently lives in Palm Harbor, Florida, where she still does occasional organ and choir work. She is a member of The Hymn Society and The American Guild of Organists.
Brodeen was born in Madison, Wisconsin in 1929. She received her B.A. from Augustana College and did graduate work at Union Theological Seminary and Westminster Choir College. She holds an AGO Choirmaster Degree. She has had several anthems published, including the Christmas anthem, One Silent, Holy Night, published by Selah in 1994.