Composer David Hurd
Price $17.50 (U.S.) Released 6/08
Difficulty Mod. easy to Mod. diff
Catalog no. 160-735
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“Intonations, Harmonizations & Interludes, Volume XV by David Hurd is the continuation of series of volumes of short pieces that can be used as introductions or alternate harmonizations. Several of these could be combined to create a little suite of hymn tunes. As in previous volumes in the series, there is a helpful list of performance notes and an index of tunes. The music is of moderate difficulty. Hymn tunes included in Volume XV are FOUNDATION, JULION, KING’S WESTON, LOVE UNKOWN, MIGHTY SAVIOR, MIT FREUDEN ZART, NETTLETON, and NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND.” --AAM Journal, September 2010