Composer Richard Proulx
Price $17.50 (U.S.) Released 3/01
Difficulty Mod. easy/Mod. diff.
Catalog no. 160-730
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Possibly Proulx's final set of intonations (but one can hope he will decide to write more of his inimitable and startling hymn introductions). Includes the tunes AR HYD Y NOS, CORONATION, EASTER HYMN, IN BABILONE, MOZART, NUN DANKET ALL, ST. DENIO, VICTORY, and others for a total of 20 new intonations. Many of these are also suitable as short preludes or postludes.
Ar Hyd y Nos
Easter Hymn 
Gelobt sei Gott
Grosser Gott
Ich Glaub an Gott
In Babilone
King’s Majesty
Ladue Chapel
Nun Danket All
St. Denio 

"This is a good collection of introductions to many common tunes, including GROSSER GOTT, IN BABILONE, KING'S MAJESTY, ST. DENIO, WESTMINSTER ABBEY, and many others. Some of the settings are a bit long, for me overstepping their function as introductions and entering that well-populated limbo of hymn-based pieces which are too long for introductions (except perhaps as processionals) and too short for voluntaries. But he usually gets the length right. One advantage to this book is that sometimes one gets two settings of a tune (EASTER HYMN, GELOBT SEI GOTT, DUNEDIN). Another is the inclusion of some highly modern or at least unusual settings of EASTER HYMN, VICTORY, and CORONATION, giving these well-worn tunes an added freshness." --AAM Journal, September 2001