Composer Richard Proulx
Price $12.50 (U.S.) Released 8/96
Difficulty Mod. easy/Mod. diff.
Catalog no. 160-728
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Proulx has gone all out and created yet another set of intonations. Includes 20 intonations useful for all times of the church year and on familiar hymn tunes. As innovative and exciting as his first two volumes of intonations, this is a must-have for any organist's library. Intonations on ABBOT'S LEIGH, ASH GROVE, GLORIA, GOD REST YOU , MERRY, KING'S WESTON, LAND OF REST, NEW BRITAIN, SALZBURG, STUTTGART, VENI EMMANUEL, and other popular hymns.
Abbot's Leigh
Amazing Grace
Ash Grove
Es Ist das Heil
Freu dich sehr
Genevan 42
God Rest You, Merry
Grosser Gott
King's Weston
Land of Rest
Lasst uns erfreuen
Laudate Dominum
New Britain
O Welt, ich muss dich lassen
Psalm 42
Tallis' Ordinal
Veni Emmanuel
"A significant collection of hymn intonations, preludes, and free harmonizations is now available in Selah's continuing series of this genre. "Still More Intonations, vol. VIII" by Richard Proulx contains material based on 23 hymn tunes; it is a must for your library. The stunning variety of hymn tunes ranges from AMAZING GRACE to Carol Doran's AUTHORITY (included in several recent hymnals with the text "Silence! Frenzied Unclean Spirit"). The variety in compositional styles and techniques is equally stunning, from a fughetta on ABBOT'S LEIGH to a pedal solo on Stuttgart to a toccata on ES IST DAS HEIL to a highly ornamented chorale setting of INNSBRUCK. In addition to their usefulness as hymn intonations, many of these pieces could be used as preludes, offertories, and postludes, as well as teaching pieces for organ students. This volume is guaranteed to be one of your most worthwhile investments this year." -The Hymn, October 1998
"Despite the title, a number of these pieces are lengthy enough to make them usable as preludes or postludes (such as INNSBRUCK, NEW BRITAIN, and LAUDATE DOMINUM). Some other tunes treated in this volume are ABBOT'S LEIGH, The ASH GROVE, GOD REST YOU MERRY, and LASST UNS ERFREUEN. Proulx's reputation as one of the leading composers of contemporary church music is upheld with these latest offerings which vary from easy to moderately difficult. Many of the settings are for manuals alone or for manuals with easy pedal, making this an accessible and engaging book for church musicians at all levels. Highly recommended." -Cross Accent, January 1997
"Showing Proulx's usual creativity and solid craftsmanship, this excellent collection includes settings of Abbot's Leigh; Amazing Grace; Ash Gove; Authority; Es is das Heil; Freu dich sehr; Gloria; God rest you merry; Grosser Gott; Inssburck; King's Weston; Land of Rest; Lasst uns erfreuen; Laudate Dominum; New Britain; O Welt, ich muss dich lassen; Psalm 42; Salzburg; Stuttgart; Tallis' Ordinal; Veni Emmanuel; and Wareham. Many of the pieces are in a loose fugal style, and most are but one page long-Proulx gets on with it and doesn't dawdle! An excellent value for the money if one uses such intonations on any regular basis. Also good as teaching models, and printed on tough, long-lasting (and recycled) paper." -AAM Journal, February 1997
"Particulary welcome will be Richard Proulx's Still More Intonations. We reviewed earlier volumes of his in Bulletins 189 and 194; this latest collection certainly keeps up the standard. Styles are well varied although now generally less astringent. Nineteen tunes are treated, two with alternative keys, and all but one or two are known in Britain. These inventive pieces will find many uses as short preludes, interludes or codas." -Bulletin of the Hymn Society in Great Britain and Ireland, April 1997