Composer Russell Schulz-Widmar
Price $5.00 (U.S.) Released 6/98
Difficulty Moderately easy
Catalog no. 160-626

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This fine processional (great for weddings!) is printed on two staves, making it playable on piano as well as organ. A great postlude, too!

"Russell Schulz-Widmar has composed a noble-sounding 'Procession' which is designed for piano or organ. I tried it on both and found that it seems to work better on the piano, although the bass line in the A section can be easily adapted for the organ pedals. The texture of the middle section seems to work better for manuals only. The sonorities of this piece sound rich and full on the piano, making it a perfect piece for a wedding when a piano is the instrument to be used." -Sacred Music News & Review, October 1998
"This brief new composition might come in handy as a wedding piece. It is printed on two staves, which makes it possible to play it on the piano as well." -Pastoral Music, October-November 1999