Composer Sue Mitchell-Wallace
Price $6.50 (U.S.) Released 6/92
Church Season Epiphany
Difficulty Moderately difficult
Catalog no. 160-140
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Sue Mitchell-Wallace, the popular recitalist/composer, has provided a much-needed collection of organ service music for a church season often neglected by composers. Five compositions, based on the hymns "We Three Kings," Morning Star, Dix, and Stuttgart.
"Settings of Kings of Orient, Morning Star, Wie Schön leuchtet, Dix, and Stuttgart all come off admirably. When the melody begins on the same registration as the interludes (as in Morning Star), a slight ritard before each entrance would help call attention to it." - The American Organist, June 1995
"Also from Selah is 'An Epiphany Suite' by Sue Mitchell-Wallace (160-140). Settings of Three Kings, Morning Star, Wie Schon Leuchtet, Dix, and Stuttgart set the tunes and interpret the season well."